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31 votes

What are PackageReferences and how will they help optimise the way I deal with NuGet packages?

PackageReference is a new way to allow NuGet to manage your projects references. Before this, adding a NuGet package would update both the packages.config file and the .csproj file for your solution. ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
  • 20.8k
20 votes

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Buffers' or one of its dependencies

Certain functionality in Sitecore 9.2 requires an explicit dependency on System.Buffers 4.5.0. However some dependencies for Sitecore 9.2 have a transitive (indirect) dependency on System.Buffers 4.4....
nickwesselman's user avatar
16 votes

When should I use the "NoReferences" NuGet packages?

In 2019 the answer is little bit different. Sitecore will not release new NoReference Nuget packages. But you can get similar behavior by usage of -IgnoreDependencies setting: Or by command line: ...
Anton's user avatar
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16 votes

When should I use the "NoReferences" NuGet packages?

The package without NoReferences suffix brings dependent Nugets containing additional DLLs. These DLLs are defined as dependencies in Nuget definition. If you check the dependencies list you will ...
Dmitry Harnitski's user avatar
14 votes

Where can I find the NuGet packages for Sitecore 9.1?

Sitecore did have 9.1 in its own feed to more closely match the way Sitecore does builds internally. But Sitecore heard feedback from the community ...
Chris Auer's user avatar
  • 13.2k
11 votes

Which Sitecore Nuget Package should I use?

At the very least, you'll want the Sitecore.Kernel assembly which contains the core API and most of the utilty classes you will use when working with Sitecore: Sitecore.Kernel For working with MVC, ...
Kasaku's user avatar
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10 votes

Update web.config configuration in a Sitecore module

If you are making Web.config changes (which would be required for adding an HTTP handler), I would say that this is not something that should be just "installed" on your servers. You want to maintain ...
nickwesselman's user avatar
10 votes

Cannot access

Please see the following information from the KB article: Sitecore is moving its public feed from to a different feed provider on November 30, 2023. The URL of the new public feed ...
9 votes

How can I get a specific dll file to be added to .update package on TDS project build?

On the TDS Project, you need to Right click on the project and click on Properties. In the General Tab, you will see Assemblies. Select Include from the dropdown. Add the name of the assembly you ...
Hishaam Namooya's user avatar
9 votes

When should I use the "NoReferences" NuGet packages?

The no-references packages allow you to add only the packages you need to your project. Consider a package that preferences Sitecore.Kernel. The package may need Sitecore.Kernel, but not any of the ...
Adam Conn's user avatar
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6 votes

Why are my Sitecore Nuget packages installed in the wrong folder?

After trying almost everything and searching half the internet, I found the solution here: And ...
Gatogordo's user avatar
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6 votes

Update web.config configuration in a Sitecore module

Ignoring my NuGet approach above; the only obvious option you have available is a lesser-known feature in Sitecore packages called "poststep". Essentially you can instruct Sitecore to execute some ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
  • 25.4k
6 votes

NU1603 build error on Sitecore.Nexus when using Sitecore Nuget

This is a known/discussed nuget issue -- what seems like information is output by nuget as a build error. As of 9.1 the published nuget packages are those used internally by Sitecore ("release what ...
nickwesselman's user avatar
6 votes

NuGet Package reference issue: Sitecore.Serilog.Framework.Logging

This is a known issue with restoring NuGet packages: Currently, there seem to be at least two ways to "fix" it (kind of) that work with varying success ...
Dmytro Shevchenko's user avatar
6 votes

Where can I find the NuGet package(s) for MongoDB required by Sitecore 8.1 (update 3)

The package was renamed on nuget, what you want is the mongocsharpdriver package. You can get by using: Install-Package mongocsharpdriver -Version 1.10.0 That package contains boths ...
Kasaku's user avatar
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6 votes

NuGet Restore not Working When Building Sitecore Images

I've faced the same issue weeks ago and I fixed it by adding a google DNS ( on my docker settings as on the print screen below, try to do the same.
Eduardo Tonon's user avatar
5 votes

Dependency issue in 8.1u3 NuGet package

Change your build target from 4.5 to 4.5.2 in your project properties. The MS dependencies will not be compatible with 4.5 since that is now unsupported. So it can't find a dependency that matches ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
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3 votes

NU1603 build error on Sitecore.Nexus when using Sitecore Nuget

This warning can be ignored. The official and released version of Sitecore.Nexus.Licensing for Sitecore 9.1.0 is version 2.0.5.
Jonas Bang Christensen's user avatar
3 votes

Why are my Sitecore Nuget packages installed in the wrong folder?

It happened to me once and I fixed it by clearing nuget cache as Gatogordo But for some reason it doesn't work anymore even when I clear cache manually. I got tired of it and wrote a script. It ...
mrosiak's user avatar
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3 votes

NuGet Package reference issue: Sitecore.Serilog.Framework.Logging

So the answer was to remove this NuGet packaged manually by editing the project.json file. Apparently this package is not needed by the solution so removing it was safe. There must be an issue with ...
Andrew Crowder's user avatar
3 votes

how to upgrade the sitecore packages from 9.2 to 9.3 using nuget

Firstly you need to add NuGet feed for Sitecore 9.3 Install-Package Sitecore -Version 9.3.0 -Source Then you need to go Manage Nuget ...
Swati Gupta's user avatar
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3 votes

Creating nuget package with sitecore items, dll and config

There are different approaches you can use but at a basic level you need somewhere for your site files to go (config/admin pages/css/js etc) and then also somewhere for your dlls to go and an nuspec ...
Adam Seabridge's user avatar
3 votes

What is the purpose of Sitecore.Assemblies.Platform nuget package?

If you want to use Helix Publishing Pipeline which is allows Helix solutions to be published as a single unit, with content from modules (like views and config patches) being automatically included. ...
Ahmed Okour's user avatar
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3 votes

Sitecore MyGet repository access issue

I have contacted to the Sitecore about the same. As per Sitecore response over support ticket: We want to inform you that we are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our MyGet (https://...
Himmat Singh Dulawat's user avatar
2 votes

Which Sitecore Nuget Package should I use?

There are few different types of NuGet packages available with Sitecore public NuGet. One type is, with all the references, which is the one you have mention. Other type is Individual dll Nuget ...
scFootsteps's user avatar
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2 votes

When should I use the "NoReferences" NuGet packages?

To ensure you have complete control of the references you use in your solution I would argue you should always use the .NoReferences packages. There is a good overview of the package source feed and ...
Christian Hagelid's user avatar
2 votes

Determining NuGet packages to include to resolve Usings

Finding Matching DLLs There is no documentation, and unfortunately it's sometimes an educated guess which DLL contains the code you need to reference. Since you know the Class/Namespace you are ...
jammykam's user avatar
  • 13.9k
2 votes

Update web.config configuration in a Sitecore module

Instead of including it directly, you can include it as a Post Installation Step as well.
Varun Shringarpure's user avatar
2 votes

Update web.config configuration in a Sitecore module

There is a way to do this. Has nothing to do with Sitecore though; but NuGet. The snippet you posted; you can place this into a file called web.config.transform, to have it added to the existing web....
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
  • 25.4k
2 votes

Sitecore Publishing Service nuget packages

Not all modules are available (yet) in the Sitecore Nuget feed. SXA for example is not there yet, and it seems like the Publishing service is also (still) missing. For the moment, you'll need to ...
Gatogordo's user avatar
  • 20.3k

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