As Hishaam wrote in his comment, there is nothing like that in Sitecore out of the box.
When user clicks the "Translate" button in the ribbon, Sitecore saves that information in Sitecore Registry. You can add a new httpRequestBegin
processor that would check your custom parameter and set translate mode in user's registry information.
The class:
public class EnableTranslateMode : Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.LanguageResolver
public override void Process(Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.HttpRequestArgs args)
if (Sitecore.MainUtil.GetBool(args.HttpContext.Request["translate"], false)
&& Sitecore.Context.User.IsAuthenticated)
Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Registry.SetString("/Current_User/Content Editor/Translate", "on");
<configuration xmlns:patch="">
<processor name="EnableTranslateMode"
type="MyAssembly.MyNamespace.EnableTranslateMode, MyAssembly"
patch:after="processor[@type='Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.LanguageResolver, Sitecore.Kernel']" />
And the url:
So when there is translate=true
or translate=1
in the url, Sitecore will set the information in the Registry.