I did an on-premise setup for Sitecore 9.3 XP Scaled environment. At the time of installation I created separate certificates using createcert.json file and common xconnect certificate thumbprint for all the instances.

Now going forward in production (which is also an On-Premise environment) we have to use one certificate provided by our IT team.

I did an installation with this single certificate thumbprint for all instances including xconnect. So here are my installation instances.

This certificate subject identifier is defined as uatcm.company.com

uatcm.company.com:433 (CM)
uatcm.company.com:1221 (xconnect collection)
uatcm.company.com:1222 (xconnect collection search)
uatcm.company.com:1223 (xconnect marketing automation)
uatcm.company.com:1224 (xconnect marketing automation report)
uatcm.company.com:1225 (processing)
uatcm.company.com:1226 (reporting)
uatcm.company.com:1227 (reference data)
uatcm.company.com:1228 (cortex processing)
uatcm.company.com:1229 (cortex reporting)

I have installed the CD instance and the 4 necessary certificates including thumbprint in connectionstring.config in CD machine and I am able to connect to these services with https.

My question is - is this a valid setup (using port numbers) ? If we need to create separate bindings so can we add these domains in one certificate and use it for all?

Right now I am getting FORBIDDEN 403 issue when I browse for Experience Analytics in my CM instance

  • Using single certificate is fine. But make sure you update the certificate thumbprint in all connection string files Commented Sep 26, 2022 at 21:14

1 Answer 1


Sitecore recommends a separate certificate for each instance to make it more secure and to limit the damage that could be done should a certificate be compromised.

That being said, I believe it is still valid to use a single certificate on multiple instances. I have seen one single wildcard certificate be used for all CM,CD, Proc, Rep and individual XConnect instances.

If you are experiencing issues with 403 forbidden, I recommend that you ensure each sitecore and Xconnect role has permission to access the private key for the certificates that it needs access too.

To do this, run MMC => navigate to correct certificate store. Right click => Manage private key.

Make sure for example the iis instance you are using has permission to access.

i.e. iis apppool\yourapp.cm

EDIT: apologies I didn't fully read your question regarding port numbers... I think you are over complicating the issue by using port numbers, I think you will come I to problems that way. Instead you could either use single wildcard certificate, or add multiple "subject alternative names" SANs to the same single certificate, and still use the one certificate.

  • Thanks Dean. Apologies for late reply. We will try to get the certificate with multiple SANs. I have upvoted and accepted this as answer.
    – Amin Sayed
    Commented Sep 28, 2022 at 7:15

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