When we are trying to run the command Sitecore.XConnectSearchIndexer.exe -rr in the XC search indexer, we are getting the license missing error.

We already placed the partner license which is already had the Sitecore.xDB.Base license.


C:\home\site\wwwroot\App_Data\jobs\continuous\IndexWorker>Sitecore.XConnectSearchIndexer.exe -rr
Requesting rebuild.

Unhandled Exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> Sitecore.Nexus.Licensing.LicenseException: Required license is missing: Sitecore.xDB.Base
   at ?????????????????????????????????????????.(????????????????????????????????????????? , String )
   at Sitecore.XConnect.Configuration.Extensions.InitializeLicenseCheck(IServiceCollection collection, String licenseFileOrXml)
   at Sitecore.XConnect.Configuration.Extensions.UseXConnectServiceInitializationConfiguration(IServiceCollection collection, IConfiguration configuration, String[] configurationSectionNames, String initializationSectionName, Boolean validateConfiguration)
   at Sitecore.XConnect.Search.Indexer.ServiceProviderFactory.GetDiServiceProvider(IConfiguration config, String modelDirectory)
   at Sitecore.XConnect.Search.Indexer.IndexerHostDependencies..ctor(IConfigurationRoot config)
   at Sitecore.XConnect.Search.Indexer.Program.<UpdateRebuildStatus>d__9.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
  • can you check if this license is not the expired one? Usually, partner licenses expired around 30 Aug. Commented Sep 2, 2022 at 6:57

2 Answers 2


When you update Sitecore license you have to update it in multiple places.

It's never easy to find all of them manually.

Luckily Robert Senktas wrote a powershell script that will do this for you.

You can find his article here: https://blog.senktas.net/2019/08/22/how-to-stop-sitecore-license-update-nightmare/

And the script goes like that:

#requires -RunAsAdministrator 

# Update all licenses
# You can find more about automation with Powershell on http://lets-share.senktas.net

$iisRoot = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot" 
$licenseFile = "C:\license.xml"

(Get-ChildItem -Path $iisRoot -Filter 'license.xml' -Recurse).DirectoryName | % { Copy-Item -Path $licenseFile -Destination $_ -Verbose}

You just set $licenseFile variable to the correct location of your new license and run that script as administrator. Script will update license in every place under "C:\inetpub\wwwroot".

Remember to restart IIS to make sure that Sitecore reloads licenses.


Go to this path and open the license file.

C:\inetpub\wwwroot\[your Sitecore xConnect]\App_Data\jobs\continuous\IndexWorker\App_data\license.xml

Then search for this


Under that, you will find the expiration date. You need to verify this.


If that is expired then you need a new one.

Hope this helps.


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