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Questions tagged [itemservice]

The Sitecore ItemService provides a RESTful API that you use to interact directly with Sitecore items. Any question related to these services can utilize this tag.

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3 answers

Cross-Origin Request to Sitecore ItemService API

We are using Sitecore 9.3 with SXA hosted on premises. We have angular application on frontend, which has different domain and is hosted on Azure Cloud. It makes request to sitecore ItemService API to ...
NewbieHere's user avatar
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Item versions to create by date [closed]

We have requirement to show some text content (rich text field) based on revision date updated (date field). Latest updated content (sorted by date in descending) will be shown at the top . So content ...
Akshay D's user avatar
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Getting error on multiple level children with field values using Sitecore Odata Itemservice

I am trying to get on multiple-level children with field values using Sitecore Odata Itemservice. I am using the below query: Query: sitecore/api/ssc/aggregate/content/Items('/sitecore/content/Booked'...
Sushil Pal's user avatar
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Create item with branch as template using ItemService API

Good afternoon, I'm trying to create Item using REST API and branch ID as the Template ID the service returns a 400 "Template is invalid" error. Does anyone know if there is a way to create ...
Luiz's user avatar
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Is there a way to get rendering details of a sitecore item via Sitecore item Odata services?

We have a requirement to migrate content pages from Sitecore to AEM. For this we are using Sitecore Odata services approach. But this only provides information about page item fields and not ...
user9152709's user avatar
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2 answers

Sitecore (version 8.2) Itemservice returns a 404 NotFound

As the title suggested, I'm getting a StatusCode NotFound (404). Everything as far as I know has been setup correctly. Been reading and following this to a T:
JockeyJohnson's user avatar
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Trying to use the Sitecore ItemService in our UITests but receiving a 500 error with the following log

As the title says, our project contains a a UITesting project that uses the ItemService to login and do perform actions such as create an item, check if an item exist, etc. However for one of our ...
JockeyJohnson's user avatar
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1 answer

Sitecore ItemService API resolve .../link.aspx?_id=abc

the Sitecore ItemService API returns a field ÌtemUrl which contains something like this ~/link.aspx?_id=35D02976C748402A8E6F22A2827F4451&_z=z Is it possible to turn this into a URL like www....
Flo's user avatar
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Sitecore Items are not installed correctly with Sitecore TDS package Installer

Our application is on Sitecore 8.2 Update 7 with TDS 5.8 We install TDS packages using TDS Package Installer function doCustomContentManagementInstall() { param ( [string]$siteName, [string]$...
SitecoreNoob's user avatar
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Use Sitecore service Client Get Item or Item Id based on the Search term using fields

Is there any way to get Item or Item id using Sitecore Service client based on the fields in the master database. Search term: http://{host}/sitecore/api/ssc/item/search?term=12345&...
Rameshkumar's user avatar
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Using fast query in Sitecore Services Client RESTful API

Is there any to use the fast query in Sitecore Services Client API? (Sitecore 9.0.1) I need to find an item with a particular name within a specific location and based on specific template. I'm able ...
Indhumathi's user avatar
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How to authenticate with SSC REST API using Item service auth

I've been trying to use Sitecore SSC REST API to create an item. I can login, but that is as far as I get - every other request (even to get an item) returns forbidden. I've already changed the ...
nic's user avatar
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ItemService API - Where's the Query Definition Item?

One of the ways to conduct search via ItemService's RESTful API is through a stored query, as per the docs: You use this method to run (“execute”) a query that is stored in a Sitecore item (a “...
Lala's user avatar
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Cant call saved ItemQuery using REST

Using Sitecore 9.2 and SXA 1.9, Im trying to call a saved item query by using the guid of the query item in the url /sitecore/api/ssc/item/{guid_of_query)/query This gives a 400 error. What's ...
Steve Ward's user avatar