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Questions tagged [permissions]

For questions related to the architecture, configuration, purpose and functionality of Sitecore access rights

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Sitecore Archive Menu Not Displaying All Options

In the Sitecore 9.2 content editor, the Archive menu on the Review ribbon has stopped showing the Archive Item and Archive Version commands for our contributor-level users. It's working fine for ...
Ron Ritchie's user avatar
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2 answers

Visibility Permissions on Archived Items

In Sitecore 8.2, we recently had an incident where a user accidentally archived an item and a second user had to help recover it because the first user couldn't see it in the archive. Both users have ...
Ron Ritchie's user avatar
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Sitecore 10: "Permission Denied" Error After Setting "Require Login" with Azure SSO

I have successfully set up Azure SSO on my Sitecore 10 instance. However, I'm encountering an issue with restricting access to certain pages. Steps I followed: Set up Azure SSO - This is working ...
Owais Ahmed's user avatar
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How do I lock user permissions for a shared item on a page without it throwing a runtime error for a user that does not have permissions to that item?

I am fairly new to Sitecore (10.1.3) and trying to add role permissions to snippets in the shared data folder. Made it so only certain roles would be able to edit a snippet item fully, all others ...
Hope's user avatar
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Assign rights to create new version of an item if a user does not have write access

I have a basic approval workflow set up with three states (Draft, For Approval and Published), and two basic user types that can work on an item in this workflow (Author and Editor). An author can ...
Mitchell's user avatar
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Experience Editor Permissions - How to edit rendering parameters

I have a Sitecore 9.3 instance. I have create a role for my users. It is a member of the following roles: Analytics Management Reporting Analytics Content Profiling Analytics Maintaining Analytics ...
Ethan Schofer's user avatar