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14 votes

What server side language does Sitecore use?

Sitecore uses either ASP.NET Web Forms or ASP.NET MVC to generate the final HTML pages. This means developers can use any programming language of the .NET Framework. C# is one of the most popular with ...
Jean-François L'Heureux's user avatar
5 votes

What server side language does Sitecore use?

While Sitecore itself is written in C#, that doesn't necessarily require a solution to be built in C#. It is an ASP.NET-based product, so any language supported by ASP.NET will work. The most common ...
Richard Hauer's user avatar
4 votes

Theme is not switched when overriding DoGetThemeItem

I have a few suggestions as mentioned below, could you please try them if not done? You can locate the App_Config/Sitecore/Mvc/Sitecore.Mvc.config file, there is a setting called Mvc....
Jitendra Chilate's user avatar
2 votes

Site load takes 30 minutes after deploying DLL into local instance

A few things you can try out to speed up local instances are as followed. Add optimizeCompilations=”true” to the compilation tag in web.config. <compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug=&...
Sumit Helaiya's user avatar
1 vote

Excluding SCS Module config based on environment?

I believe the only way to achieve would be through excluding the module names when running serialization push command, on the environment where you would not like to sync the items within the module. ...
ckhanna's user avatar
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1 vote

Way to quickly Move Delta content to other environments in one go

You can achieve this with the help of PowerShell script - This PowerShell script creates a Sitecore package by adding items to it based on an array of item IDs, and then exports the package as a ZIP ...
Vishal Khera's user avatar
1 vote

Site load takes 30 minutes after deploying DLL into local instance

You can try the following things along with the steps given in the answer:- If you want to make your compilation more selective you can also set batch to false value. <compilation defaultLanguage=&...
Sumit Bhatia's user avatar
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