I am trying to install sitecore xp1 on premises where I am facing lots of challenges. I'm afraid about the order of installing sitecore xp1. I am following the below order, also successfully installed the "Xconnect.Collection and xconnect.collection.search". I need to make sure I am going in right way.

  1. XConnect-Solr.json and Sitecore-Solr.json
  2. createcert.json (for each one of the installation in below )
  3. XConnect-xp1-collection.json
  4. XConnect-xp1-collectionsearch.json
  5. XConnect-xp1-referencedata.json
  6. XConnect-xp1-marketingautomation.json
  7. XConnect-xp1-marketingautomationreporting.json
  8. xconnect-xp1-CortexProcessing.json
  9. xconnect-xp1-CortexReporting.json
  10. sitecore-xp1-rep.json
  11. sitecore-xp1-prc.json
  12. IdentityServer.json
  13. sitecore-xp1-cm.json
  14. sitecore-xp1-cd.json

I am not sure about how to install the IdentityServer.json and what is the value for SitecoreIdentityCert parameter?

what is the use of Role-Remote.json file?

1 Answer 1


Chapter 5.3 at page 46 of the Installation Guide for Sitecore XP 9.1 Update-1 describes the steps to install a scaled Sitecore XP platform (XP1) on premises.

As highlighted in the document:

You must first install the sitecore-solr.json and the xconnect-solr.json deployment configurations. Then you must install the rest of the Sitecore server roles deployment configurations and these can then be installed in any order.

The IdentityServer.json configuration is used to install the Identity Server application. The SitecoreIdentityCert parameter is the name of the IdentityServer server certificate. This is an example of installation command (with the minimum required parameters to execute successfully):

Install-SitecoreConfiguration -Path .\IdentityServer.json -SitecoreIdentityCert "XPScaled910.identityserver" -Package "C:\resourcefiles_sc911\Sitecore.IdentityServer 2.0.1 rev. 00166 (OnPrem)_identityserver.scwdp.zip" -AllowedCorsOrigins "mywebsite.example.com"

The Role-Remote.json configuration file is part of the remote distributed Sitecore Installation Framework (SIF) deployment templates. These templates can be used to deploy Sitecore Experience Platform remotely to a scalable distributed server cluster from a single workstation or server. The Role-Remote.json configuration is included for all Sitecore server roles deployment configurations. Its inclusions are defined in the Includes object in the distributed configuration files (ie. XP1-Distributed.json).

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