I am new to Sitecore, and working on my first project, so please forgive any obvious questions here.
I am working on building the project using the Helix architecture, using Habitat as inspiration (but not using project itself as my starting point).
I am getting confused about placeholders. Habitat uses a placeholder called "head" to put metadata onto the page.. I can't find this placeholder as an item anywhere within any sitecore item in the habitat project (unless I am being totally blind).. As I understand, in Sitecore, you define the placeholder in your layout.cshtml file (i.e. @Html.Sitecore().Placeholder("head") ), but you must also create a Placeholder item within Sitecore , whose placeholder Key matches what you defined in the layout.
My metadata rendering didn't appear until I created the "head" Placeholder item in my own project. (I bound this to the "head" placeholder as Habitat does) I am just confused as to why/how the Habitat one works.. is the placeholder defined somewhere else?
My next question is regarding where/how sitecore rocks populates the "Browse" window the lists available placeholders when adding renderings to a layout? I've added new placeholders in sitecore, and defined these in the layout.cshtml file, but they still don't appear.. What am I missing?
Cheers, Danny