We are working on porting our site to Sitecore 9 Update 1.
We have installed Sitecore 9 Update 1 with (WFFM) Web Forms For Marketers 9.0 Update-1 and Solr 6.6.2.
The contacts are always shown as Unknown as shown below:
We have the save action set for wffm forms. Which stores the Full Name, Email etc.
I tried filling up the forms with different Email Id's, and different Names. The contacts appear in User Manager dashboard. But the same is not displayed in Experience profile dashboard.
Solutions Tried:
1. Updated "~\sc91.xconnect\App_data\jobs\continuous\IndexWorker\App_data\Config\Sitecore\SearchIndexer\sc.Xdb.Collection.IndexerSettings.xml" as shown below <IndexAnonymousContactData>true</IndexAnonymousContactData>
2. Rebuilt our Solr xDB index as mentioned here (https://doc.sitecore.net/developers/xp/xconnect/xconnect-search-indexer/rebuild-index/rebuild-solr-index.html?highlight=rebuild%20reporting)
I came across few more posts, who talk about identifying and saving the contacts in experience profile on form submit. like this (Profile data is not saving in Experience Profile). But i wonder is this the only way to get the contacts displayed in Experience Profile dashboard?
I am trying to decompile and Sitecore.Cintel.dll and see if i can find something. It would be of great help if someone can shed some insights on this. Thanks in advance!
Solution: I have created a blog for this issue. The solution can be found here: https://tectraveleat.wordpress.com/2018/06/04/sitecore-9-experience-profile-dashboard-unknown-contacts/