I changed content in one field in ContentEditor and then shifted to web database. Here I could see content change is not available which is fine because I haven't yet published but when I browsed the website that content change is being displayed.
How is it possible even I didn't publish that item. Is there any way to debug this behavior?
UPDATE 01/01/17
Following is multisite configuration at my laptop
<site name="SitecoreStaging" database="master" hostname="staging.sitecorewebsite.com" rootPath="/sitecore/content" startItem="/home" ...
<site name="SitecoreLive" database="web" hostname="www.sitecorewebsite.com" rootPath="/sitecore/content" startItem="/home" ...
<site name="website" database="web" rootPath="/sitecore/content" startItem="/home" ...
hosts entry sitecorewebsite www.sitecorewebsite.com staging.sitecorewebsite.com
Now in this case If I browse all these mentioned URLs content only displayed from master DB even if for two website database attribute is set to "master" But If I remove other and keep only "sitecorewebsite" configuration then I can see web content i.e. not from master which is correct. Looks like I am missing something.