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Sitecore permission to Move item for role which Doesn't have delete permissions [duplicate]

There is a requirement that the client wants the basic Author role to have the rights to move the items in the content tree. But, that role is denied the rights to delete. From what I understand, ...
Meghan's user avatar
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Sitecore allow item to access only by Owner

I have a requirement from one of our clients related to Sitecore security roles. The requirement is that an item can be visible only to the owner of that item and only they have the access to edit the ...
Gowthamaraja Eswaramoorthy's user avatar
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Role required to display Add an account dialog

Which of the standard Sitecore roles is required for a CMS user to view the 'Add an account' dialog via the Content Editor? Any Item > Security > Assign security Adding the user to the sitecore\...
user avatar
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Sitecore role in site1 when installed to site2, missing some restrictions in site2

For the new developer role we restricted access to Development tools in source site.When this role is packaged and installed in target site, it has permission to Development tools. How do we fix this ...
sns's user avatar
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3 votes
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Security Permissions - Individual inheritance rules set for this account

In my Sitecore instance some red text has appeared next to the Inheritance section in the Assign Security Rights dialog box (see screenshot below). "The item has individual inheritance rules set for ...
R. Allinson's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Sitecore permissions removed after deployment

A management role was added to Sitecore and permissions were granted to the role to allow Online Comms to manage content. The roles and accounts that were created still exist, however the permissions ...
Shailesh's user avatar
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7 votes
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Edit after workflow approved

I just watched a tutorial on how to set up Workflows here: I followed this tutorial ...
Mike's user avatar
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6 votes
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Restricting access to particular page returns 404 instead of redirecting to login

I'm trying to restrict access to a particular page, I've already read everything possible on the matter but instead of redirecting to login page Sitecore is returning a 404. I've set the loginPage="/...
Albernazf's user avatar
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4 votes
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Get base or inherited roles from Role or User object

Is there any way from an API level to obtain a list of roles which are "base" roles from an existing Role object? i.e. the roles which would grant inherited read access? I've noticed that when ...
Bauza23's user avatar
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5 votes
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Check if a specific role has read access to an item

Is there a way to check if a specific user role has been granted read permission to a specific item? I've tried using item.Security.CanRead(role) but to no success (this returns true when I'd expect ...
Bauza23's user avatar
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How to return 401 page instead of login page when logged in user doesn't have permission

Currently, when a logged in user tries to access a page that they do not have permission to (because they don't have a certain role), Sitecore seems to redirect the user to the login page. This is ...
David Masters's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Securing a page with item permissions without redirecting the user away

Is it possible to set restrictive extranet group permissions on a page-level item, and still have that page render, albeit differently, to users without the correct permission i.e. present a call to ...
Paul George's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How can I make the Edit the related item menu show in Experience Editor?

I am setting permissions for content editors of a site. The user in question is a member of the following roles: sitecore\Sitecore Client Users sitecore\Author sitecore\Sitecore Client Social ...
Wesley Lomax's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

What Role or Security Permission is required to edit the Placeholder and Datasource fields of a component?

We are setting up permission for users of our site, and have assigned our users to the roles sitecore\Sitecore Client Authoring and sitecore\Sitecore Client Designing. However this does not allow the ...
Wesley Lomax's user avatar