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Questions tagged [rendering-host]

Any question related to Sitecore rendering host while working with Sitecore Headless Services can make use of this tag.

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XM Cloud Page Editor encountered an error: Unable to connect to your rendering host at http://rendering:3000/api/editing/render

While utilizing the XM Cloud Page Editor, I encountered an error related to the rendering host. Upon investigating the docker container logs associated with the rendering host, I observed several ...
Jitendra soni's user avatar
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Back-end developer full local setup with monorepo

I'm curious if anyone has had a similar idea of using Traefik as a reverse proxy, and then having "dummy" rendering/editing hosts that point to a locally running head through a proxy. During ...
Jesse Rohowetz's user avatar
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2 answers

Issue with Sitecore JavaScriptServices ViewEngine Rendering

We encountered the following exception when attempting to browse the page in Sitecore JSS 10.3 through experience editor. All the files have been deployed under wwwroot\\dist\. We have tried ...
Abdul Lathif's user avatar
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4 answers

Error JSS Editing Secret

Finally, I configured a headless project on my xmcloud.localhost. An error exists when I try to access a page from my Headless local with Experience Manager. Error: "Connection to your rendering ...
Z3RaK's user avatar
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2 answers

Sitecore JSS react SSR - how to setup higher environment(UAT/PROD) rendering host for experience editor

All our resources are in azure! Our Sitecore instance, front end codes are hosted as app-services! We are trying to setup rendering host for experience editor. We are looking for ideal way for SSR ...
Raj's user avatar
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1 answer

XM Cloud - "Unable to connect to the remote server" when viewing a page in Experience Editor

When viewing a Site's page in the Experience Editor, the Editor does not load and the following error message is displayed; Unable to connect to the remote server The CM server logs displays the ...
Jonathan Robbins's user avatar
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Sitecore JSS nextjs | The requested document was not found [closed]

Sitecore jss nextjs sample app in connected mode. installation is done as per
Jagmeet Kaur's user avatar
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Allow CORS request from CM to Rendering host

Related to Missing fonts when previewing Next.js app in Experience Editor. I've got the Rendering container with SITECORE_API_HOST set to CD. In CM Experience Editor I see some CORS errors caused by ...
Serhii Shushliapin's user avatar
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2 answers

How do you render Headless ASP.NET to present a Sitecore page as 404?

As per Sitecore's example code for ASP.NET Headless you can have your default controller method look like this: [UseSitecoreRendering] public IActionResult Index(Route route) { var request = ...
TheHvidsten's user avatar
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2 answers

Is Sitecore CD role needed in headless setup with Rendering Host?

Looking on the Sitecore Headless Development conceptual overview, it does not really clear if Rendering Host is supposed to replace CD or both roles are still needed. Sitecore NextJS Getting Started ...
Serhii Shushliapin's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you fix an access denied error debugging a dotnet app in a container?

While debugging in Visual Studio I receive the following error: This previously worked but something recently changed to break this. Perhaps related to a change made in Docker Desktop for Windows 4.7....
Michael West's user avatar
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Sitecore JSS rendering host failed

I am getting below error after creating the JSS App in connected mode. Connection to your rendering host failed with a Not Found error. Ensure the POST endpoint at URL http://localhost:3000/api/...
Abhhy's user avatar
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2 answers

Sitecore CM returning 404 when running in docker container

I am running Sitecore XP1 topology in docker containers. I am facing following issues : 1)I am getting SSL warning even after running init.ps1 script & generating certificates : Sitecore default ...
Anvay's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core Rendering SDK , Every time i have to run docker-compose restart rendering cm to reflect the changes

I am doing some R&D in ASP.NET Core Rendering SDK, Whenever I make the changes in .cshtml file, I need to run this command docker-compose restart rendering cm to reflect the changes. Is this the ...
Avinash Sharma's user avatar
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Experience Editor issue in JSS + SXA + .NET Core Rendering Host solution

I am running Sitecore Helix.Example for Sitecore.JSS + .Net Core Rendering Host. In addition it is wrapped with SXA to be able to use all SXA advantages like multisite management and so on. In normal ...
Artem Prashkovich's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is equivalent to IsExperienceEditor in the ASP.NET Core SDK?

In ASP.NET Core Rendering Host, I would like to hide something if the page is not in Experience Editor mode, with something like Sitecore.Context.PageMode.IsExperienceEditor in ASP.NET. Is it possible?...
Tamás Tárnok's user avatar