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3 answers

Solr query returning zero results in Controller

I am trying to fetch List of articles using Solr Search context. This is the code block trying to fetch the results. var searchIndex = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex(indexName); // Get the search index ...
Mohit Patil's user avatar
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What is the difference between Populate Solr Managed Schema & Indexing Manager features

Please help me understand these features. What is the difference between these two features in the control panel - Populate Solr Managed Schema & Indexing Manager? When to use which? How often ...
sukesh's user avatar
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Broken local environments - media library search, experience editor, can't rebuild index / indices

Three local Sitecore environments have several core functionalities that don't work as expected despite having little or no recent changes. Media library search fails giving the error message: "...
Anthony's user avatar
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Unable to map sxatags_sm field to model

I have indexed my content in the SOLR 8.8.2 and the tags available on those items are being pushed in the SOLR as below: { "description_t_en":"Lorem Ipsum is simply dum", &...
Prashant Tomar's user avatar
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SXA indexes are populated with limited document count only

I am facing a weird issue like if I index sitecore_sxa_master_index and sitecore_sxa_web_index then popup shows all items indexed successfully and no error is coming in either siteore logs or SOLR ...
Prashant Tomar's user avatar
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1 answer

Publish events don't trigger indexing

I was using Sitecore 8.2 then upgraded to Sitecore 9.3, after the upgrade process, when I publish any item, I noticed that the index is not updated, I must trigger a full rebuild for the index to be ...
Mohamed Yaseen's user avatar
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Finding root of a current index

Is there a way to get the index root. I am able to find the current index using the following code indexService.GetContentIndexName() How can I get the current Root defined inside the index ?
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Adding _semantics field into Solr

I am implementing _Semantics field in the Solr index <fieldNames hint="raw:AddFieldByFieldName"> <field fieldName="customtags" returnType="text" /> </...
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2 votes
1 answer

Sitecore SOLR core pointing to different core directory

I have setup the SOLR with switch on rebuild configuration. But after setting it up I am facing a weird issue like my SOLR web index core is pointing to different SOLR index directory. Let me explain, ...
Prashant Tomar's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

"Lock held by this virtual machine" exception with Solr 6.6.1

For a customer i created a solution based on CMS Sitecore 8.2.7. The architecture is hosted on MS Azure infrastructure and basically consists of a Content Management VM (Windows Server 2016), two ...
Massimo Della Calce's user avatar