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23 votes

How do you create a site modeled after the Habitat solution when starting from scratch?

Habitat is intended to inspire your solutions; you should never start with the Habitat solution and add to it when creating a new site. Habitat is not an accelerator, it is an example of the Helix ...
Corey Smith's user avatar
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22 votes

Sitecore 9 and Habitat

I don't really see any. Keep in mind that Habitat is just an example site that demonstrates the Helix principles. So really the requirement should be to build a Helix implementation on Sitecore 9. ...
Dylan Young's user avatar
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22 votes

Should Habitat be used as a starter kit?

A Resounding No Think of Sitecore Habitat as the result of an assess and plan project phase where requirements and business objectives were already described for a ficticous client and developed. ...
Pete Navarra's user avatar
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14 votes

Should Habitat be used as a starter kit?

Every single answer you will receive will be a no, Habitat is not mean to be used as a starter kit. Unless of course your client wanted a website that was exactly like the Habitat (standard, legal or ...
jammykam's user avatar
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13 votes

Habitat TDS Version - Sync Items to Sitecore

Right click on your Solution tab and check the Project Dependencies. Ensure that the Build Order reflects the proper dependency order: Foundation Feature Project ... and that in general, templates ...
nickwesselman's user avatar
11 votes

Is there any way to avoid duplicated TDS files/items in Helix based solution?

TDS always serializes data from the root item, there are no settings that allow you to only serialise a part of a tree. Logically speaking, this makes a lot of sense for a Helix based solution where ...
jammykam's user avatar
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10 votes

Working on Habitat with VS 2017

You need to change 2 things to get the gulp script to use v15.0 tools for MSBuild. First, in the gulp.js file, you need to change everywhere you see this toolsVersion: 14.0 to toolsVersion: 15.0. ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
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10 votes

Sitecore Habitat Performance

Habitat is an example implementation of the Helix guidelines and shouldn't be used as a starter kit. With that said, you should review what you will need now and remove what you can. It can always ...
Patrick Barron's user avatar
9 votes

Sitecore 9 and Habitat

Having taken the path of building a project using Habitat (in Sitecore 8.2, not 9) I can give you the following points: Benefits Good example of how to structure a Helix solution. Some useful ...
Matthew Dresser's user avatar
9 votes

Helix Feature references to Feature(s)

That blog post from Alan covers the scenarios nicely. The problem is that you are looking for Feature to Feature dependencies and if you follow Helix guidelines, that is expressly forbidden: A strict ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
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9 votes

Habitat TDS version with Sitecore 8.1.151003

I believe that the version you are looking for is Commit 1ab932d of the Hedgehog Development Fork For Sitecore 8.1 Initial (151003) Release History of Habitat I've taken a nose dive into both the ...
Pete Navarra's user avatar
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8 votes

How do you create a site modeled after the Habitat solution when starting from scratch?

As mention in @Anicho's comment, you should start by looking at to get you started with understanding the modular architecture pattern and principles that Habitat was built around. ...
Zachary Kniebel's user avatar
8 votes

Habitat multisite solution structure example

When I was setting up our project layer based upon the Helix architecture principles for the project layer, this bit stood out to me: Typically, in a single tenant solution there will only be a ...
James Skemp's user avatar
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7 votes

Error setting up Habitat instance of Sitecore with "Could not instantiate event handler." error

There is a mismatch between your Sitecore binaries and Sitecore configuration. The OnPackageInstallStartingRemoteHandler method was only added to PackagingEventHandler in Sitecore 8.2 Update 1. It ...
Dmytro Shevchenko's user avatar
6 votes

Publish single Habitat project

You can publish a single project by right clicking on the project and selecting the Publish option in Visual Studio. Or if you have Click Once publishing toolbar open, you can select the project and ...
Dylan Young's user avatar
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6 votes

Language locale not getting added to URL

This is controlled by the languageEmbedding attribute on your linkManager. By default, Sitecore adds the language code to your URLs asNeeded. Which is a bit fuzzy; but essentially Sitecore should add ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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6 votes

Excluding files like web.config when using publishing in VS 2017

You could also add a property group called ExcludeFilesFromDeployment to your profile.pubxml publishing profile. I have mine setup like this: <Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas....
Richard Seal's user avatar
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6 votes

Excluding files like web.config when using publishing in VS 2017

Although this is off-topic, this is a common issue in Sitecore for those who are experimenting with Helix/Habitat. Anyway, you can also achieve this on the VS UI which essentially results to the ...
Marco's user avatar
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5 votes

Unable to resolve serialized item error during Unicorn sync task while setting up Habitat

Make sure you have updated the Habitat.Dev.config and set the sourceFolder to the src directory of your habitat solution. The default location is C:\Projects\Habitat and you would expect that to be ...
user1828522's user avatar
5 votes

Habitat setup host name confusion

The hostname should be on your Sim installation. In the site definition you have: <site name="habitat" patch:after="site[@name='modules_website']" ...
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
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5 votes

Benefit of dynamic binding for components like header and footer

This is more of an opinion based question. But I will list the positives and negatives below. A lot of these depend on your preference. I have personally gone with both approaches, so I know that ...
Dylan Young's user avatar
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5 votes

Install Sitecore 9.0 update 2 encountered warnings

If this is the first time you are installing then those warnings are fine to ignore. Those warnings are stating that those services could not be stopped/found because they wouldn't exist yet. If you ...
Richard Seal's user avatar
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5 votes

Sync.ps1 is not digitally signed. You cannot run this script on the current system

Looks like you're running a non-admin Powershell console. Try running it as an admin user. If that is not an option, you may need to unblock the script. Locate it in File Explorer and Unblock it. ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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5 votes

How to set workflows in a Sitecore environment with SXA and Helix?

My two cents If to go strictly after the Helix documentation it seems like both the workflows and the datasources should belong to the project layer:
Sebastian Winslow's user avatar
5 votes

PopulateManagedSchema during installation returns error 500

I am getting the same issue while installing the Sitecore 10.2 XM Developer Workstation (XM Scaled) on new machine. I have installed all the prerequisite but I was missing URL Rewrite Module in my new ...
Himmat Singh Dulawat's user avatar
4 votes

Does the package.xml file in Habitat project help to deploy to server and how?

After reading @jflheureux's answer and little bit digging around Habitat release package. First Aha!, it is a Sitecore package definition file which contains everything - content items, security ...
Harsh Baid's user avatar
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4 votes

Does the package.xml file in Habitat project help to deploy to server and how?

I believe the use of this package is internal to Sitecore employees who maintain and publish the demo on GitHub: They update the file, upload it to ...
Jean-François L'Heureux's user avatar
4 votes

Site definition for multi-site in Sitecore habitat

In the SiteDefinition.config file each site should contain a hostName attribute. Sitecore will match the correct site based on the incoming url and matching hostName. Check out the SDN page for ...
bmyers's user avatar
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4 votes

Benefit of dynamic binding for components like header and footer

The real benefit is to allow your editors to change the header to meet their needs without needing a specific template. Example is a landing page for a campaign that requires a smaller header/menu. ...
Chris Auer's user avatar
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4 votes

Habitat Gulpfile.js error in Visual Studio but OK on Cmd Line

It's basically a Node version issue. Assuming that you've downloaded the latest NodeJS and installed it (which means its location should be one of your system's environment variable PATH), just move ...
Marco's user avatar
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