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25 votes

Create Connection for Sitecore 9 instance with Sitecore Rocks

It's a permission issue that started on Sitecore 9. You have to add this section to your Web.config. <location path="sitecore/shell/WebService"> <system.web> <authorization&...
João Neto's user avatar
  • 2,051
10 votes

Sitecore Rocks Package Installation Error - "Could not find configuration node: databases/database[@id='live']"

As Geoff already pointed out; the package seems to contain content for a database called "live". You can see (and remove, if you want) this by opening the package file. I'm using WinRAR for this ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
  • 25.4k
10 votes

Updating Workflow for all the Items in Sitecore Instance

You can use below powershell script ( : # This is the ID of the workflow that will be set on the content items. $script:...
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
  • 18.8k
9 votes

How to connect Sitecore Rock to sitecore instance on docker?

I haven't personally used it yet, but I was able to connect successfully Sitecore Rocks with a Sitecore instance running on a cm service container following these steps: 1) If not done yet, add a ...
Alessandro Faniuolo's user avatar
7 votes

How to get Sitecore Explorer to show the Display Name for an item

Short answer is no. But you can update the code of Sitecore Rocks on GitHub. I have investigated a bit and saw that Sitecore Rocks only uses the item name. At the namespace Sitecore.Rocks....
Hishaam Namooya's user avatar
6 votes

Sitecore Rocks Installation seems corrupted. What to do?

You need to set your Sitecore Rocks connection up using the Hard Rock Service: This will then give access to additional features and options, including the "Design Template" option: By comparison, ...
jammykam's user avatar
  • 13.9k
6 votes

Why does the Habitat sample solution have a Sitecore rocks connection for each project

This is actually done by design. If you read You will see that by having one Sitecore Rocks reference, it would create one huge reference,...
C Sigmon's user avatar
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6 votes

How to increase request timeout for rocks connection?

You can find the connection xml under C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Sitecore\Sitecore.Rocks.VisualStudio\Connections Open the xml file and edit the timeout attributes as needed. <binding ...
phani's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I format the value shown in a ColumnField using Sitecore Rocks?

The Formatter field is really only for date formatting, which is good since that is what you are looking for. The options for formatting the dates include the following list. Scroll to the bottom to ...
Pete Navarra's user avatar
  • 14.7k
5 votes

Sitecore Rocks always disabled after installation

Your solution can be found here: The reason for your problem is the setting of Visual Studio which disallows loading per user ...
Gatogordo's user avatar
  • 20.3k
4 votes

Folder Sync option disabled

You probably didn't connect your Visual Studio project to the Sitecore instance. You can do this via: right click on your Visual Studio project in the Solution Explorer -> Sitecore -> Project ...
Sebastian Lay's user avatar
4 votes

Create Connection for Sitecore 9 instance with Sitecore Rocks

Faced the same issue in Sitecore 9.3, permissions changing did not help. Resolved it by adding "https://" before my host name.
x3mxray's user avatar
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4 votes

Sitecore Rocks connection error to Sitecore 9.1.0

You need to make sure that: you able to rich out your sitecore instance by http protocol site https binding "Require Server Name Indication" setting is unchecked you don't have any URL Rewrite rules ...
Andrei Paliakou's user avatar
3 votes

Create Connection for Sitecore 9 instance with Sitecore Rocks

My sitecore instance had redirects to https and allowed https only. Change your Host Name to https://events.tac.local:433
mrosiak's user avatar
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3 votes

Sitecore Rocks 2.1, where are "renderings and placeholders"

Select the item and press CTRL+Return. This shortcut is shown in the context menu as well. UPDATE: To edit tab layout located here core > sitecore > client > Applications > Experience ...
Harsh Baid's user avatar
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3 votes

Using Sitecore Rocks for Solr Search Enabled Sitecore instance

Please look on changelog of Sitecore Rocks Github Repository. Looks like you don't need on this version ‘Sitecore.Rocks.Lucene*.dlls. Please make a new install of the module and see if you still have ...
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
  • 18.8k
3 votes

Cannot open Master Design Layout

Reproducable Issue I have been able to reproduce your issue in Sitecore Rocks, using your setup. The problem that you are experiencing is that the "Sample Item" template is missing from your ...
Pete Navarra's user avatar
  • 14.7k
3 votes

Create Connection for Sitecore 9 instance with Sitecore Rocks

For me, it worked after following below steps: used https://hostname Created new user with Admin or any content author role. (...
Sarthak Gupta's user avatar
3 votes

Sitecore Tab is not appearing after installing sitecore rocks

I found the solution uninstall Rocks delete C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_c2d19173\privateregistry.bin and privateregistry.user.bin file (please backup them first) reinstall ...
Rajasekar's user avatar
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2 votes

Cannot open Master Design Layout

My gut is that it's something to do with this ID reported in your logs: {76036F5E-CBCE-46D1-AF0A-4143F9B557AA} You should be able to search for this data template in your master database using the ...
Owen Niblock's user avatar
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2 votes

Updating Workflow for all the Items in Sitecore Instance

Here is a powershell script to update all templates standard values. Just update the guid and the path to your templates. Note that you can easily enhance this script to adapt for existing items on ...
Diego's user avatar
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2 votes

Sitecore Rocks fails when creating new rendering

Sitecore Rocks have deprecated support for Visual Studio 2010 and 2012. Currently, the minimum version Sitecore Rocks integrates with is Visual Studio 2015. Sitecore Rocks no longer supports Visual ...
Siva Kumar's user avatar
2 votes

Sitecore, placeholders, sitecore Rocks

Sitecore placeholder is an object to add the presentation rendering on the predefined positions. In your example "Head" is a placeholder key which works same as ID for a html element so when sitecore ...
Mahendra Shekhawat's user avatar
2 votes

How should we update our .gitignore when using Sitecore Rocks?

According to the GitHub repository for Sitecore.Rocks, the only files installed into Sitecore by the Sitecore.Rocks extension are these: Browse.aspx Service2.asmx Service2.asmx.cs (codefile, ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
  • 25.4k
2 votes

Sitecore and TDS Local development strategy

I do not believe that is right. The TDS projects will only deploy TDS to your website if you select Deploy Solution from the solution menu. In that can you can remove the deploy column checkbox from ...
Chris Auer's user avatar
  • 13.2k
2 votes

Create Connection for Sitecore 9 instance with Sitecore Rocks

This should no longer be an issue as of Sitecore Rocks 2.1.126, which is now available on the Visual Studio Marketplace, if you install the latest Hard Rocks service. It now includes a local Web....
nickwesselman's user avatar
2 votes

Create Connection for Sitecore 9 instance with Sitecore Rocks

One of my colleagues helped to find a solution! Press right button of the mouse on connection -> Connections -> Edit connection properties and then uncheck "UseDefaultWebProxy". In some reason it was ...
Дмитрий's user avatar
2 votes

Sitecore rocks timeout error

Have you tried to change the authorization of your website as described in this blogpost by Rob Ahnemann? XHTML <location path="sitecore/shell/WebService"> <system.web> <...
Bart Verdonck's user avatar
2 votes

Disabling the "Loading many items" dialog in Sitecore Rocks

Confirmed that this is hardcoded in a couple locations of Rocks: ItemTreeViewItem MyItemsTreeViewItemBase It's a rather unfriendly message though and with proper use of async I would think that we ...
nickwesselman's user avatar
1 vote

Create Connection for Sitecore 9 instance with Sitecore Rocks

<location path="sitecore/shell/WebService"> <system.web> <authorization> <allow users="?,*" /> </authorization> </system.web> &...
Minjae Kim's user avatar

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