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Questions tagged [scheduler-job]

For questions related to Sitecore's scheduling jobs, including configuration, implementation of tasks and agents, etc

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1 answer

Scheduled job getting triggered but no traces after 2 lines

I have a scheduled job running on my Sitecore 10.3.2 CM. The code getting triggered is as below: public void RebuildDB(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item[] itemarray, CommandItem commandItem, ScheduleItem ...
NutsAndBolts's user avatar
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3 answers

How programmatically check if custom agent is running?

I have a custom agent that imports content from an external server. This process can take from 5 minutes to 2 hours. Agent can be started by scheduler or user. I want to prevent two same agents from ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Scheduled task ran without Schedule

Scheduled task ran without Schedule when PowerShell module is being used. Any fix is available to avoid such triggers? Steps to Reproduce Create a dummy PowerShell script just to print a line under /...
Himanshu's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to pass parameters in 'Run' method of the scheduling agent in Sitecore

I want to pass class object parameter to the Run method of the scheduling agent in the Sitecore. Can I pass object parameter to the method and how? How can I configure param in the config file? Class: ...
Dharmnath Dubal's user avatar
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How to ensure scheduled tasks run in single instance

We have one CD app service with multiple scaled instances. We observed the scheduler job is executing in all instances parallelly. Post enabling Async also we noticed its running on all instances. Any ...
Nirupama Reddy's user avatar
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2 answers

Things I should keep in mind before performing any bulk update in Sitecore items programmatically to avoid any SQL deadlock

I am using Sitecore 9.1 and I need to know what things I should keep in mind before performing bulk operation programmatically on Sitecore Items for multiple languages in parallel to avoid the SQL ...
Ruchi Gupta's user avatar
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Sitecore Scheduled task runs on startup

I'm using Sitecore 9.3, I have a custom scheduled task for rebuilding the Sitecore search index at night. My project is hosted on Azure environment, I noticed that if I restart the CM app service then ...
Mohamed Yaseen's user avatar
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Schedule Task LastRun is always returning same time as DateTime.Now, causing issues with task time window checking

I have a scheduled task that I recently realized isn't working properly. The Sitecore task is running, but in the code I have time check to make sure that it only runs within a one-hour window (2am ...
Erica Stockwell-Alpert's user avatar
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2 answers

How to schedule item backup?

We would like to schedule a item backup(package) on specific time. Is it possible to create a package of the items while scheduling it?
Ashish's user avatar
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How can I get to my site settings in my content tree from a scheduler class?

I am trying to get to my site settings item in my tree to see what office id I need between my US site and my CA version. I have tried Sitecore.Context.Site but since this is a scheduled task it comes ...
user1566783's user avatar
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Sitecore 9.2 jobs are executing frequently compare to sitecore 8.2 jobs

We recently upgraded sitecore 8.2 to 9.2. while analyzing the pipeline profiling for 30 min, we could see the following sitecore jobs were executed 87 time in 8.2 instance and 200 time in 9.2 instance....
PVM's user avatar
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What is the relationship between Sitecore scheduling Agent and Sitecore Tasks?

I understand that we create database agent in Sitecore Configuration and provide Schedule root to it. Inside schedule root we have different tasks for which we define interval similarly on database ...
Jitendra Ghanekar's user avatar
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Sitecore Scheduler not working

I have configured a scheduler which is working fine on my standalone environment. But on the CM environment the scheduler last run time gets update but the Scheduler doesn't get executed. Following ...
Gautam Aneja's user avatar
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Jobs Status Window disappear after job finished

When Job status is finished, modal window disappear and I can't see messages from Job.Status.Messages, is there any way to hold window ? Job is triggered by Command. var jobOption = new JobOptions(...
John Vein's user avatar
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2 answers

Sitecore Jobs and IIS Pool Recycles

From what I understand a Sitecore job simply runs as a background thread within the web application, i.e. a IIS worker process. How does this work with the periodic IIS pool recycling? I mean if you ...
user3700562's user avatar
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Sheer UI OnLoad Method to run another method to Dynamically Change UI Text

I am currently working on a custom DialogForm that will display a progress status based on a particular number of Sitecore Job Progress running in the background and dynamically updating the UI part ...
Jovit Mayo's user avatar
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How to know programmatically if an Index Rebuild/Refresh job is *Running* or *Queued*?

We have this feature which is responsible for starting Sitecore Index Refresh jobs programmatically using the static class Sitecore.Jobs.JobManager (for different crawler roots). Now I'd like to ...
Hugo Santos's user avatar
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Is there a page on which I can view all Sitecore jobs running?

Straight to the point. Is there an admin page in Sitecore which shows all jobs running and all the information such as current state, name, category, etc? I used to use the Sitecore Rocks - Job ...
Hugo Santos's user avatar
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Jobs disappears after Sitecore restarts

The process I am developing uses Jobs to run asynchronously. Some steps in the middle of the process change some folders, which makes Sitecore restart. Once Sitecore has restarted the process searches ...
Ben's user avatar
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Sitecore Scheduler job automatically stopped running

I have a sitecore scheduler job running every 60 minutes, It used to be every 10 minutes but after testing I changed it to run every 60 minutes <agent type="XYZ.Scheduler.AdviserSync" method="Run" ...
Ali's user avatar
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