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Questions tagged [web-deploy]

Web Deploy (msdeploy) simplifies deployment of web applications and web sites to IIS servers. It is used by the Sitecore Installation Framework (SIF).

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Sitecore jss nextjs app deployment to azure static web app giving Error: Backend call failure

I have deployed a Sitecore Jss Next.js application to Azure as a static web app, but when I am accessing the URL it is giving the following error: Backend call failure Here are the steps that I ...
Prem Murmu's user avatar
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New project is not included in local publish using TDS

I'm working on an existing Visual Studio solution which uses TDS. I have added a new class library project in the Foundation layer namely MyProject.Foundation.Accounts. This project is not referenced ...
sukesh's user avatar
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How to deploy only specified code files with TdsGlobal.config.user

I'm working on a project that uses TDS. The VS Solution has this file TdsGlobal.config.user, where the SitecoreWebUrl and SitecoreDeployFolder are configured. When I use the Deploy Solution option, it ...
sukesh's user avatar
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Web Deploy: issue with deploying dictionary items

We recently switched to yaml serialization format for Sitecore 9.3, and we use Web Deploy to deploy sc-items. The fact is that for some reason, new sc-items, created from this template: /sitecore/...
Viktor's user avatar
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Deploy local site views to remote server site views folder

I'm trying to deploy the local site views files to the remote server files So I installed Microsoft web deploy in my local system Removed .example extension of WebDeploy.config file and ...
Rajasekar's user avatar
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WebDeploy to deployment slot

We are deploying our Sitecore 9.2 app using Azure DevOps. More specifically we use WebDeploy and deployment slots and have noticed the following behaviour: deployment to deployment slot takes an ...
Hos's user avatar
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WebDeploy unable to deploy package

Web Deploy is unable to deploy package. I have all the prerequistes installed and have double checked that the Sitecore psgallary and Sitecore gallery are trusted repos and I am not sure why I am not ...
MileHigh's user avatar
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Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'demo_Processing.Pools'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]

I'm trying to install Sitecore 9.2 initial- XP single on my local machine using Sitecore Install Assistant. I installed all the prerequisites through SIA without any error but when I try to install ...
Jojo's user avatar
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Error when installing WDP in on-premises Sitecore 9.1 XP setup

I followed the steps described in this SSE question/answer to create my WDP. Everything works like a charm when deploying this WDP into a Sitecore Azure Paas instance. However, when I try to install ...
Hugo Santos's user avatar
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Show actual command being executed by Sitecore Installation Framework

In order to help diagnose an issue with Web Deploy and Sitecore Installation Framework (SIF), I would like to see the actual msdeploy command being executed by the WebDeploy SIF Task, including the ...
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