Please find the error log details:
The script 'Invoke-RemoveSqlDatabaseTask.ps1' cannot be run because the following modules that are specified by the "#requires" statements of the script are missing: SqlServer.
Sitecore Install Framework
Version - 2.3.0
WorkingDirectory : ..\Downloads\Sitecore 10.2.0 rev. 006766 (Setup XP0 Developer Workstation rev.
WhatIf : False
Verbose : SilentlyContinue
Configuration : ..\Downloads\Sitecore 10.2.0 rev. 006766 (Setup XP0 Developer Workstation rev.
Debug : SilentlyContinue
AutoRegisterExtensions : False
WarningAction : Continue
ErrorAction : Stop
InformationAction : Continue
[-- DownloadVisualC++2015x86 [Skipped] : DownloadFile ------------------------]
[--------- InstallC++2015x86 [Skipped] : StartProcess ------------------------]
[-- DownloadVisualC++2015x64 [Skipped] : DownloadFile ------------------------]
[--------- InstallC++2015x64 [Skipped] : StartProcess ------------------------]
[--------------------- SQLServerModule : InstallModule -----------------------]
Package 'SqlServer' failed to be installed because: End of Central Directory record could not be found.
[TIME] 00:08:05
Package 'SqlServer' failed to be installed because: End of Central Directory record could not be found.