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All questions related to Federated Authentication in Sitecore

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Stuck in redirect loop after external signout with Federated Authentication

We use Federated Authentication in Sitecore 9.1 in order to allow a user to login to the extranet domain through an external provider (Azure AD B2C). When configuring the sign out part, we followed ...
Nico Grms's user avatar
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Could not create instance of type: <my implementation of IdentityProvidersProcessor> No matching constructor was found

I'm using Sitecore 9.1 and following Sitecore's guide in implementing Federated Authentication. I am implementing Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Pipelines.IdentityProviders.IdentityProvidersProcessor, ...
Emanuele Ciriachi's user avatar
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Sitecore 9.1 and auth0 integration

I am trying to integrate Sitecore 9.1 and auth0 platform. I was following this tutorial for Sitecore 9.0 -
Dionis Takac's user avatar
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Can't see the extra login buttons for external identity providers

Basically, that's the first time I'm playing with external identity providers in a federated authentication setup (Sitecore 9.1). I can't say why but even after configuring everything I need ...
Hugo Santos's user avatar
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Unsuccessful login with external provider

I have setup federated authentication for my Sitecore 9.1 website, to allow end users to login using Azure B2C AD. Our website is following Helix architecture. This is my code: Portal.Website.config: &...
Hos's user avatar
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Where is Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Enabler.config in Sitecore 9.1?

We can find Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Enabler.config configuration file in App_Config\Include\Examples folder to enable Federated authentication in Sitecore version 8.2. We just need to remove ....
Arvind Gehlot's user avatar
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Could not find configuration node: federatedAuthentication/sharedTransformations/setIdpClaim

The configuration for federated authentication, was working fine with the Sitecore version 8.2. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration xmlns:patch="
Arvind Gehlot's user avatar
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Method not found: 'Void Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Pipelines.IdentityProviders.IdentityProvidersProcessor..ctor(Sitecore

In Sitecore 9.1 try to setup the Google Federated identity provider, getting below error, any help appreciated. The below steps are done, followed steps suggested in Sitecore documentation. Enabled ...
Sivalingaamorthy's user avatar
4 votes
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Is Virtual user concept available in XM version?

One of the client is having an XM license and they need to implement the virtual user concept of the Sitecore do they need to update the existing licence or this feature is already supported with the ...
Sai Raj R's user avatar
7 votes
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Sitecore Logged In Pipeline in Identity Server?

I've created a Two Factor Authentication. It's working by adding our custom processor before Sitecore.Pipelines.LoggedIn.Ticket. But now in 9.1 with Identity Server, it won't be triggered unless I ...
purnadika's user avatar
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Sitecore 9.1 IdentityServer AzureAD subprovider user cannot login to the Admin site

I have configured Sitecore Identity to use Azure AD as the sub provider following the Sitecore document I can authenticate using my Azure AD account, but then I get the following message You do ...
Himadri Chakrabarti's user avatar
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Unable to create a user. Reason: DuplicateUserName" error while trying to map map federated logins to existing users

we have setup IdentityServer 3 as IDP for our test Sitecore setup. However, we are not able to map incoming federated logins to existing users (Users created with legacy forms authentication enabled). ...
Kim Køhler's user avatar
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Preventing login and user creation via federated authentication if criteria is not met

I have successfully setup Federated Authentication for the Sitecore client with Azure AD. However we have some additional requirements to meet: A user must be within a given AD group to be able to ...
Kasaku's user avatar
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OWIN sign-in links only working for SXA sites NOT configured in MapEntry of IdentityProvidersPerSite

On Sitecore 9.0.1 and SXA 1.6 I'm trying to get federated authentication to work for website visitors using OWIN WSFed following this guide in a multi-site SXA solution. I've gotten everything to ...
Mark-Danney's user avatar
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Identity Server 4 and Sitecore Federated Authentication Error

I've been working on an integration of logging in users in Sitecore via Federated Authentication with Identity Server 4 based on Open ID. Unfortunately I've followed every recommendation I could ...
Dylan Young's user avatar
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Sitecore 9 Federated Authentication on CM server - Single Logout

I am using sitecore 9 federated authentication feature to authenticate user through third party, i need to implement single logout from sitecore CMS. what is the configuration needs to be done to ...
NAli's user avatar
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Sitecore Federated Authentication on CM server - remove Login form

I am using Sitcore 9 and have implemented federated authentication on CM server. I need to remove normal login authentication , so that the only way that user can be authenticated is form from third ...
NAli's user avatar
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Sitecore redirecting to federated authentication provider on unauthorized

I have a Sitecore 9 site configured to use an OWIN provider as described in this article. The site also allows users to authenticate via forms authentication. The two authentication methods are ...
Anders's user avatar
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How to setup FedAuth with a unique login page per site?

I've setup fedauth in Sitecore 9 for my site which is working as expected for a single site. However I'm having a multisite solution and each site needs it's own login page. The login page is ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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What is Owin.Log log file for?

I've setup federated authentication in Sitecore 9 and can log in with my IDP. There is an Owin.Log file in the logging directory but it is always empty. I did some research but was unable to find what ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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Unable to override externalUserBuilder in Federated Authentication implementation [closed]

I have implemented facebook login on my Sitecore site using federated authentication. I am trying to override the externalUserBuilder logic to be able to replace the hashed username in Sitecore with ...
Durga Bose's user avatar
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Getting the resolved Sitecore username corresponding to a facebook account on successful login

I have social log in set up with federated authentication on a Sitecore 9 instance. I am able to login with facebook from my front end site: Where can a capture this 'hVEQItzjCrLQI1Fuc0v3pQ' on login?...
Durga Bose's user avatar
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Supporting federated and forms authentication on the same site

We are building a site that needs to support multiple ways of logging in: Forms authentication using Sitecore's built-in user database. Users belong to the extranet domain. This part is already ...
Anders's user avatar
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Dependency between Federated Authentication and XDB

We are looking into implementing XDB for a solution which was recently upgraded to Sitecore 9.0.1 from Sitecore 8.2.2, and has a custom SSO login functionality already implemented, for user ...
Surbhi Kochhar's user avatar
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Facebook / Google login for website with Federated Authentication

We have a Sitecore 9 website, where we have set up Federated authentication to login to Sitecore using Facebook and Google. Logging into Sitecore using these social networks is working as expected. ...
Durga Bose's user avatar
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LoggedIn processor with federated authentication

I added a custom processor to my sitecore/processors/loggedin configuration, which is read fine when a user logs in through the standard Sitecore interface. However, if a user logs in with Azure AD ...
Ken McAndrew's user avatar
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Sitecore Federated Authentication Administrator Group

Using Sitecore 9 update 1 is there a way to mark Azure AD group as Sitecore administrator without creating new Administrator group in Sitecore?
user1534066's user avatar
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Sitecore 9 Federated Authentication mapping with existing users

I tried to integrate Sitecore 9 with Azure AD. It was successful. I have used persistent user setting therefore user is automatically created. Unfortunately, in old system some users already existed. ...
Cuong Nguyen's user avatar
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Sitecore Federated Authentication on CD server

Using SXA 1.6 and Sitecore 9.01 I manage to enable Federated Authentication on CM so content editors can be authenticated using their Azure AD account using the guide from http://sitecore....
user1534066's user avatar
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Sitecore 9 SSO implementation using SAML2.0

I am trying to handle user authentication for sitecore from front end and I need to know if there are any steps\documents for handling SAML implementation in sitecore for now i do the following: ...
NAli's user avatar
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Uncaught SyntaxEditor: Unexpected token Error while accessing Experience Editor using Federated Authentication

I've got federated authentication set up for Azure AD. I am using Sitecore 9.0.1 on Azure App Service. I ran into an odd problem when going into Experience Editor that I can't duplicate with a "local" ...
Ken McAndrew's user avatar
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Does Federated Authentication improve persistent user performance?

In Sitecore 9, does Federated Authentication improve the performance limitations for persistent users? It appears to wrap around .NET Membership, which is the same as previous versions. (Credit goes ...
Jason St-Cyr's user avatar
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6 votes
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Federated Authentication with ExternalCookie

I have the federated authentication working in Sitecore 9 with a custom external provider, and I see the ExternalCookie being set. However, when I make another request to a secured area (a controller ...
Watson's user avatar
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Getting an instance of BaseCorePipelineManager

In the Sitecore doc Configuring Federated Authentication there are instructions to generate the URL links to initiate Federated Auth -- the lines are: using Sitecore.Pipelines.GetSignInUrlInfo; /* [.....
Watson's user avatar
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Azure AD user not showing assigned roles/profile in user manager

I have a user coming in from Azure AD (following this example to start: When I use ...
Ken McAndrew's user avatar
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Mapping property in Sitecore 9 federated authentication

I am trying to implement federated authentication using google in my Sitecore 9 application (CMS not website). I am bale to login to Sitecore using GoogleOAuth2Authentication and i am using persistent ...
rdhaundiyal's user avatar

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