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Sitecore Not able to resolve Virtual Folder Value same as langauge code

I have tried to configure the virtual directory of es-es and it works fine, Steps to follow: First to make sure that the ordering of the site nodes is configured in the Sitecore.config or patch file. ...
Nelson's user avatar
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Setting Languages.AlwaysStripLanguage to false via code for specific sites

Strip language is set inside the preprocessRequest pipeline which runs before the httpRequestBegin pipeline in which site context is set. Hence in order to obtain site context inside the custom ...
ckhanna's user avatar
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Setting Languages.AlwaysStripLanguage to false via code for specific sites

You can achieve the mentioned functionality by following below steps Extend the pipeline processor that manages language stripping by creating a custom processor. using Sitecore.Pipelines....
Sreekrishnan's user avatar
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Use Language code as Virtual Path In Sitecore Site Definition

There are 2 things in the requirements to understand, If you are trying to create a language-based site ie) example: /sitecore/content/TestSiteA /sitecore/content/TestSiteB Using any language code ...
Nelson's user avatar
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Use Language code as Virtual Path In Sitecore Site Definition

we use a site that have support for multilanguage, also it have personalised sites for same language, like (for en) , (or ja-jp or it-it) and have defined this site in ...
Rinku Jain's user avatar
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Migrate field values while creating different language version in sitecore

Here's a I'm adding basic example of how you can copy field values using PowerShell: # Specify the item you want to copy fields from and to $itemPath = "/sitecore/content/Home/MyItem" $...
Praveen Sharma's user avatar
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Migrate field values while creating different language version in sitecore

You can use the below PowerShell snippet to create a reusable Powershell Module: $sourceLanguageSelector = Get-Item -Path "master:/sitecore/system/Languages" $destinationLanguageSelector = ...
Debtanu Biswas's user avatar
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Migrate field values while creating different language version in sitecore

You can use Smart AddVersionAndCopyContent module in order to achive this. This module helps to add and copy version from any language to other language on the content editor. This module can be ...
ckhanna's user avatar
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Migrate field values while creating different language version in sitecore

You can run a powershell extension code to copy content from english to another languages : Get-ChildItem "master:\content" -Recurse | Add-ItemLanguage -Language "en" -...
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
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Migrate field values while creating different language version in sitecore

There are multiple ways to migrate field value. By default, when creating a new language version Sitecore resets to the page template’s Standard Value’s content state. This means you will have to ...
Sumit Helaiya's user avatar

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