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Use dictionary from xml file, Sitecore 8.2

You can use Literal to display the Publishing Warning message as below inside the xml file. <Literal class="publish-warning-text" Text='${Translate.Text("PublishingWarning")}' /&...
ckhanna's user avatar
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Unexpected provider type: Project.Common.Providers.SwitchingLinkProvider. Expected: Sitecore.Links.LinkProvider

You will need to extend your custom link provider with Sitecore.Links.LinkProvider provider class since you are adding this in the link provider collection. using Sitecore.Links; public class ...
ckhanna's user avatar
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Unexpected provider type: Project.Common.Providers.SwitchingLinkProvider. Expected: Sitecore.Links.LinkProvider

It looks like in the latest version of Sitecore, what ever it is that is consuming your custom class is expecting either a LinkProvider or something derived from it. I copied your custom class into a ...
Dean OBrien's user avatar
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Unable to resolve service for type 'System.String' while attempting to activate 'Project.Common.Providers.CategoryStandardValuesProvider'

You are gettting this error since string type is not resolved through dependency injection. In order to add multiple providers for standard value, you will need to extend the StandardValuesProvider ...
ckhanna's user avatar
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Unable to resolve service for type 'System.String' while attempting to activate 'Project.Common.Providers.CategoryStandardValuesProvider'

Your error indicates that Sitecore's dependency injection system is attempting to resolve a constructor parameter of type System.String, but it doesn't know how to supply a value for it. So in order ...
Praveen Sharma's user avatar
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Could not create instance of type: Project.Common.Providers.SwitchingStandardValuesProvider. No matching constructor was found. Constructor parameters

In Sitecore, when you are configuring providers in the web.config (or any similar patch configuration file), the resolve="true" attribute instructs Sitecore's factory system to use ...
Praveen Sharma's user avatar
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Could not create instance of type: Project.Common.Providers.SwitchingStandardValuesProvider. No matching constructor was found. Constructor parameters

You will need to add resolve as true where you are patching the standard value provider as below. <configuration xmlns:patch=""> <sitecore> ...
ckhanna's user avatar
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