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Questions tagged [goals]

For questions related to the definition, tracking, reporting and use of goals within Sitecore's marketing analytics and reporting tools, including configuration, customization, functionality, use in modules, architecture, etc.

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AB testing using FXM Javascript Beacon

We're experiencing an issue regarding the FXM and AB testing (9.2 version). At the moment, we're using the FXM javascript beacon to trigger a goal in an external website page. The goal is correctly ...
Jorge Aça's user avatar
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Email and name fields are blank for some users

Sitecore version: 9.0.2 Issue: Users in the segmented list do not have email and name What I am doing: When a user registers on my application, I programmatically trigger the Sitecore provided '...
NutsAndBolts's user avatar
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Error when saving marketing automation: Specify the details for all the elements in the campaign and try again

I can't get my automation active. When I click save, the error appears: The automation campaign could not be activated. Specify the details for all the elements in the campaign and try again. Can ...
NotAnotherCliche's user avatar
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Individual Attribution

How to check which experiment ensured Goal completion when I have multiple experiments with the same Goal that a Guest could get? I do not want to bucket as their traffic volumes are low. For example, ...
Abigail Acland's user avatar
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Sitecore form and list manager contact not saving properly

I am using Sitecore form to subscribe to news. In the On submit of the form, I am triggering the goal. Once the goal is triggered, I have a marketing automation campaign which add the contact to the ...
Discovery's user avatar
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Is there a way to only allow a site visitor to trigger a goal once?

I am diving into Sitecore rules for Goals. We have a goal with points, "Download White Paper". However I only want that goal to trigger once for a user in a current or subsequent visits. I have ...
Daryl's user avatar
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Some pages are not logging goals

I am facing a weird issue in my project. I am triggering goal programmatic way for some pages based on some fulfilling custom conditions. I am using the Sitecore 9.1 initial release. Here is my code: ...
Foysal's user avatar
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Capture past goal visit information for an anonymous user in personalization

I have senario in my project,where I need to personalize user journey. On first visit user does some interaction in my site and trigger few goals and when he visits for the second time I need to ...
Adithya K.'s user avatar