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Unable to create & update category while able to find existing category programmatically in Sitecore commerce

In Sitecore Commerce 9.3, I'm attempting to import and sync categories, but I am not able to create or update categories programmatically while getting info for existing categories via ...
Kirti Kumar's user avatar
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Refresh commerce cache not creating all language versions

I'm facing one issue while catalogs are getting created to Sitecore. I have created a new catalog in commerce with sellable items for languages en-CA, fr-CA. I have verified the content from biz tool ...
Jojo's user avatar
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Import Performance issue on catalogs using minions on Sitecore Commerce 9.1

Scenario: We have a custom catalog import scenario that we have already in place which uses commerce minion to import. We have observed that as the number of catalogs increase (roughly more than 5000 ...
Madhav's user avatar
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Sitecore Commerce extend sellable items

I want to show a long description on my product detail page which will contains some html within it i.e. it should be entered via rich text editor and its up to author to add bullet points, long text ,...
Sachin Dabas's user avatar
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What does "Invoice Unit Price" property on Inventory do?

I tried to get more information from Sitecore developer reference documents, but I could not find much about where and how the "Invoice Unit Price" property on inventory is used.
Bevin's user avatar
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Sitecore Commerce 9.2 Sellable items and Catalogs not indexed

I am setting up Sitecore commerce 9.2 environments. I have created my authoring and shops environment and have added some sample products. I do not see Category or Sellable items indexed to Solr, but ...
Bevin's user avatar
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Checkbox showing on Bizfx but not in Sitecore

I am able to see Checkbox on Bizfx but when I do the Update Data Templates in Sitecore then its showing Single-Line Text rather than a Checkbox This is the code to add a property. I have declared it ...
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Add item created custom field to Solr

I am adding the Item created field to Solr index. This is the code public override object ComposeValue(object source, ConcurrentDictionary<string, object> context) { ...
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How can I automate the reconnect of a Sitecore XC catalog after initialize of Commerce Engine?

Working with Sitecore XC, we need to reconnect the commerce catalog every time we do an initialize of the Commerce Engine. We can do this initialize optionally during development. We need to execute ...
Serge van den Oever's user avatar
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9.2: More than one Product Template from one Commerce Catalog

So, in our Bizfx we defined a catalog Catalog containing two categories, Category_1 and Category_2. In Content Editor the catalog displays the items from both categories with CommerceProduct template. ...
Nikola R's user avatar
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Transaction error during creating categories

After upgrade Sitecore Commerce from version 9.0.2 to 9.0.3, I'm facing a strange issue. When I want to create category or relation from code I got following error in Commerce Context: Code: Warning ...
szaf_xCommerce's user avatar
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Seeking suggestion on managing global product catalog with single site in SXC-9.0.1

We are implementing a global product catalog to support different catalogs with different currencies and prices. We currently have a single site globally. The true source for catalog is SAP ERP system,...
Jyoti's user avatar
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Assigning an imported catalog to a Sitecore Commerce storefront throws error "catalog is already associated to another site"

We are using Sitecore commerce 9.2 and facing an issue while assigning an imported catalog from another environment to a new storefront site. Though the catalog is not associated with any other site ...
Dipra Dutta IN's user avatar
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How to rename a sellable item in Sitecore Commerce

Is there any way to rename a sellable item in Commerce? I see that the Display Name can be changed, but don't see any way to modify the name? Is there some reason for this being disallowed?
Matthew Dresser's user avatar
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Why can a commerce catalog not be shared between multiple websites

In a Sitecore Commerce solution, why can a Commerce catalog not be shared between multiple websites? Say I have two websites selling the same set of products in the same languages, but requiring some ...
Matthew Dresser's user avatar
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Sitecore Commerce with Salesforce

I am looking to send Sitecore Commerce product data to Salesforce. Has anyone done something similar to that. There is FuseIT which can be used to send data to Salesforce but I am not sure if it can ...
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Sitecore forms with Sitecore Commerce [closed]

Is it possible to use Sitecore forms inside Sitecore commerce 9.2? Is there someone who has done it. Any examples or suggestions would be appreciated Thanks in Advance
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How to associate catalog to category programmaticaly?

I have written a program to create Catalog, followed by its category and then tried to create a Relationship(CatalogToCategory) through CreateRelationshipCommand. Im getting the below error. [17:...
Dhelip Kumaar's user avatar
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GetCategoryCommand not working SXC 9.2

I am working on SXC 9.2 and writing custom plugin. I need to pick Category information so I have written the below code to get the category information. public class CustomCategoryCommand : ...
Jitendra's user avatar
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Custom Catalog not showing

We have created a Catalog in Business Tool. But it is not showing after performing below activities: Bootstrap Clean Environment Initialize environment. I forgot to export the catalog before doing ...
Jitendra's user avatar
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How to pull data from sitecore commerce 9.2 Product variants

I am trying to pull the image from a specific product variant on my e-commerce component. There are two image components on the e-commerce, on the product itself and the within the product variants. I ...
D.Trump123's user avatar
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Error when I click on some of the products

I am facing an error when I click on some of the products in CMS but I am able to see the products in Merchandising manager. Because of this I am not able to rebuild indexes also. Nested Exception ...
Himanshu Agarwal's user avatar
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Sitecore commerce storefront not showing catalog- [No catalog data available] and "Invalid catalog Id"

Today while working with Sitecore XC I landed up with storefront having No catalog data. The error reads as - 26560 14:47:37 ERROR Application error. Exception: System.Web.HttpUnhandledException ...
Rohit Kakde's user avatar
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SEO Friendly Commerce Page URLs

While Sitecore supports SEO Friendly URLs, the Sitecore Commerce page URLs can be quite ugly. Is there a way to make these more SEO friendly? Haven't been able to find any type of configuration ...
Chirag Patel's user avatar
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Category information or relationship are not getting updated

I am using using Commerce Server 11.0 in Sitecore 8.1 update 1. I have some categories which are shown across Menu in my websites. The categories are getting updated in the commerce server catalog ...
Amitabh's user avatar
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Virtual catalogs in Commerce 8.2.1

We are trying to work with virtual catalogs but have some trouble finding documentation on how it is supposed to work. Our objective is just to use two base catalogs together in our storefront and ...
Mattias Zetterberg's user avatar
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Commerce Catalog Export & Import

When we install Sitecore Commerce 9.0.2, by default we got Habitat catalog. We have created a new catalog as per my project requirement. Now I want to deploy the same catalog to the other/higher ...
Jitendra's user avatar
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Catalog Management is empty after HabitatHome Commerce Setup

I do no see the Catalog Management(sitecore > Commerce > Catalog Management) showing up any data. This is after done with the setup of Habitat Home commerce on Sitecore commerce 9 update 2. All the ...
Amitabh's user avatar
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How to integrate an external API with Catalog in Sitecore Commerce 9.0.2

I want to fetch the data from an external API and show it for my Catalog items. The API basically contains the details of my sellable items like product price, name and other details which properties ...
Amitabh's user avatar
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How can I add custom catalog attributes in Sitecore Experience commerce 9 and populate it with data from API?

I want to add new attributes for my catalog in Sitecore Experience Commerce 9 update 2 but not sure how to add it using the Sitecore Experience platform. Moreover all the properties data need to be ...
Amitabh's user avatar
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Commerce cart lines don't have reference to products

I'm creating a web shop based on Sitecore Commerce 9. We are not using SXA. I'm trying to show cart contents on the page. My environment was populated with the example project from SDK. The problem ...
Piotr Zaborowski's user avatar
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Get Related Products for SellableItem in custom plugin

I need programmatically import catalog from 3rd party service to Sitecore Commerce 9. I can create Catalog, Category and SellableItem. I can add related product for SellableItem, but I couldn't get a ...
Andrei Paliakou's user avatar
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Unable to Update Data Templates in Sitecore Commerce 9

I just installed a fresh instance of Sitecore Commerce 9.0 Update 1 and then start to play with Habitat Home (content and commerce). After installing all stuff when I go to the Content Editor under ...
Constantin N's user avatar
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Associate category to product programatically

I am trying to associate a category to a product inside a minion. I am using next code : var catalog = catalogRepository.GetCatalogByName("MyCatalog"); var category = catalogRepository....
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
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Add category into a catalog programatically

How can I add a category programatically ? In postman are examples how to add category into a catalog or how to add a subcategory. When I am calling AddCategory I am receiving next exception: { ...
Vlad Iobagiu's user avatar
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Commerce Server Catalog Manager - 8.2.1

I am installing the Sitecore Commerce 8.2.1 Update 2. Installing the Adventure Works Front Store it my Catalog was not installed. Just like described here: Issues while installing commerce - Entity ...
Leonardo Cunha's user avatar