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Questions tagged [dependency-injection]

Anything related to the use of Dependency Injection (DI)/IoC containers on a Sitecore solution. This also includes the baked-in Microsoft Dependency Resolver included natively in Sitecore versions 8.2 and above.

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Error in Personalize / Experience component computed index field

I am testing an upgraded site (9.0.2 to 10.3.1). I see the following new errors in the Sitecore logs when republishing the 10.3.1 site: 36148 14:13:02 ERROR [Content Testing]: Error in Experience ...
Marcel Gruber's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Invoke Sitecore service provider from SPE console

Is it possible to interact with Sitecore's DI container from the SPE command line? I was able to do this: PS master:\>[Sitecore.DependencyInjection.ServiceLocator]::IsConfigured True But when I ...
Dan Solovay's user avatar
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2 answers

Autofac DI with Sitecore 10.3

We are currently doing sitecore upgrade and but there are something broken with autofac DI integration with sitecore. we created our own serviceProviderBuilder which extends Sitecore....
Ting Wang's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

IServicesConfigurator not found

My Sitecore web application is a .Net Framework 4.8 Web application. I am trying to integrate Sitecore DI container. I have added Nuget packages for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection, Microsoft....
Parry Brookes's user avatar
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An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type 'MapController'. Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor

I'm working on an upgrade from Sitecore 8.2 to 10.1, and I've got some API Controllers. These worked in the 8.2 site but I'm encountering dependency injection issues now, getting the following error ...
Erica Stockwell-Alpert's user avatar
2 votes
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Inject parameters and an object into pipeline processor using DI

How do I pass a parameter to the processor's constructor AND resolve its dependencies? In the config I have: <processor type="Feature.ErrorHandling.Pipeline.HttpRequest.PageNotFoundProcessor, ...
gjakovaime's user avatar
1 vote
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Error processing robots.txt

I occasionally see the below error in my logs Error processing robots.txt Exception: Glass.Mapper.MapperExceptioMessage: Service has been disposed, cannot create object My code in Robotservice is as ...
yeshwanth thummala's user avatar
0 votes
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Dependency Injection - Get current Language

I am trying to make full use of Dependency Injection with Sitecore 9.3. The hardest part is getting away from using Sitecore.Context. I've been looking at ShowServicesConfig.aspx to try and find what ...
Ethan Schofer's user avatar
2 votes
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Replace the default Sitecore IoC container with StructureMap in Sitecore 9.2

I built my own serviceProviderBuilder using StructureMap and replaced the default one from Sitecore. public class StructureMapServiceProviderBuilder : BaseServiceProviderBuilder { protected ...
Tamás Tárnok's user avatar
3 votes
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Custom submit action with constructor not working

I implemented a custom submit action and it works fine. But now I'm trying to store data to an external database using repository classes. For some reason it doesn't work if I add other interfaces in ...
weblabor's user avatar
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Error when trying to Create a new form using Sitecore 9

On clicking Create new in Sitecore Form getting the below error: Message: /formbuilder/load?id=&sc_formmode=new&sc_formlang=en&sc_site=shell&_=1597294914778StackTrace: at Autofac....
Debaparna's user avatar
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Extend /sitecore/api/ssc/EXM/Message with additional data

I want to extend /sitecore/api/ssc/EXM/Message endpoint with additional data. I added a new class namespace Exm.Extended { [ServicesController("EXM.Message")] public class ...
Mkress's user avatar
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Error on dragging a form element when using Ninject

I am getting below error when I drag a form element on form designer. I think it is because of dependency injection. I am using ninject DI in my application. Looking for help how to handle ...
Rajesh Kumar's user avatar
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Migration Onto Sitecore's DI Framework Knocked Out All Sitecore Logging

We're currently on Sitecore 9.1 and recently migrated onto Sitecore's dependency injection framework in order to get Sitecore Forms to work correctly. The transition seemed to go smoothly, however now ...
c-bro's user avatar
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Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException Sitecore 9.2

I am getting below error in the logs, when I am overriding Sitecore Dependency Injection with Autofac DI. I am using Sitecore 9.2. The main issue is with Create Actions on EXM & Forms. Can ...
Sharad Kumar Sangal's user avatar
2 votes
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Sitecore 9.2 Dependency Injection in ApiController

I have a standard .net ApiController with the following code: public class LibraryApiController : ApiController { private readonly ILibraryAssetRepository _repository; public ...
Hos's user avatar
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Using Dependency Injection with Generic class

I am using sitecore 9.3 and was trying to add configuration for dependency injection of the implemented repository as below: <register serviceType="projectname.IRepository[[projectname.models....
NAli's user avatar
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MVC Layout model is empty after Glass Mapper Upgrade

We recently upgraded from Sitecore 8.2.0 to Sitecore 9.2.0. Along with other packages, we also upgraded to the latest compatible version of Glass Mapper 5 for Sitecore 9.2.0. We use Simple Injector ...
Surbhi Kochhar's user avatar
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Unable to resolve service for type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[Client.Feature.Membership.Services.FacetUpdaters.IContactFacetUpdater]'

I'm trying to replicate the federated auth from habitat using the Facebook example, and parlay that into auth with Salesforce. I can't get around this dependency injection error though. Starting with ...
MikeD's user avatar
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Publishing service 404

XHR requests in my publishing service are returning 404 with messages that resource could not be found: { "Message": "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://...
jjczopek's user avatar
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How to inject a dependency into a Processor

My processor is defined as follows: <processor type="MyProject.MyProcessor, MyProject" resolve="true" /> I have then defined my Configurator Class: <sitecore> <services> ...
Emanuele Ciriachi's user avatar
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Dependency injection container issue SXA

I've recently upgraded the Sitecore 8.2 solution to Sitecore 9.1 update 1 which works fine. But I also have to convert the existing site to SXA site. So, I started by adding the fresh SXA site but ...
Meenakshi's user avatar
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How to implement DI service configurator in Automation Engine service registration

I am seeking to inject a service with dependencies into a Marketing Automation Activity Type that will be instantiated by the Marketing Automation Engine. I have successfully injected a basic service ...
andyp's user avatar
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Sitecore dependency injection leak - IDisposable transient services

I'm getting a System.OutOfMemoryException: Array dimensions exceeded supported range. in Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider.CaptureDisposable Which appears to be where the DI ...
Matthew Butler's user avatar
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How to make use of Autofac in IServicesConfigurator

We have changed the Dependency Injector in our Sitecore 9.1 solution to use Autofac, following this description as well as receiving a support .dll from Sitecore support. We register our types using ...
Hos's user avatar
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Custom Dependency Injection for Sitecore pipeline processor with Ninject

I've implemented a custom Resolver for my Controllers for Ninject which works fine, however this is not working for pipelines. How can I create a custom dependency Injection for Sitecore pipelines? ...
squadwuschel's user avatar
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Sitecore.Context.Item added to Dependency Injection not working when needed by secodary DI'ed class

I need to get the context item to create a "SearchContext" in my repository class using the following configurator : public class DependencyInjectionConfigurator : IServicesConfigurator { public ...
Adam Hess's user avatar
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Sitecore 9 Forms - SimpleInjector conflicting with FormBuilderController

Sitecore 9.0.1 (rev. 171219) SimpleInjector v.4.3.0 Glass.Mapper v. Steps To Reproduce: In the Sitecore dashboard I click on the Forms button Click the Create button and select Blank Form On ...
melvin's user avatar
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Resolving dependencies using Unity for deploying sitecore jss app

We are using Unity for the dependency injection overriding the default behavior for the sitecore project. While deploying the jss app, I am getting below error: The current type, Sitecore....
Hashmat Ali's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How can I pass correct IProviderSearchContext context of my custom index to repository via Dependency Injection?

I have a custom index which has additional teaser title, teaser description, main title and main content fields and the index is resolved based on Sitecore.Context.Database. Eg. master database ...
user1439090's user avatar
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Could not create object from service provider - Registering service using Dependency Injection

I have created an ItemNotFoundResolver and injected it after ItemResolver pipeline as follows : public class ItemNotFoundResolver : HttpRequestProcessor { private readonly ISitecoreEntityService ...
Sreekrishnan's user avatar
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How to inject dependencies in solution that extends Sitecore Reference Storefront

I patched the Initialize Pipeline InitializeControllerFactory processor to point to my new solution InitializeControllerProcessor via: <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration xmlns:...
Commerce Test's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Autofac in Sitecore 9

I have a clean installation of Sitecore 9.0.2 and am trying to hook up Autofac, however I am getting the following exception when trying to load any page on the site / CMS. In the logs: Exception: ...
Mark Gibbons's user avatar
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Injecting dependencies into custom ServicesApiController without using ServiceLocator

I am injecting a dependency into a custom API controller I've created that is inheriting from ServicesApiController. I have found that I need to use our service locator class to do this as otherwise, ...
Adam Seabridge's user avatar
4 votes
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Dependency Injection for Sitecore pipeline processor

We are using Castel windsor for DI in our Sitecore solution. Though we haven't done any IOC registration using Sitecore pipelines, It still resolves the Controllers. I'm fine with it. But the same is ...
nari447's user avatar
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10 votes
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Initialize service in pipeline to be available through one httprequest

We're using Sitecore 8.2, habitat. I have a service that I need to use throughout a full HTTP Request. This service should be instantiated once (we use dependancy injection) and then be available ...
Erik J.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Is Pipeline Ref Factory still available?

As described in this article. you can use pipeline "ref" and "factory" attributes, to use dependency injection ...
Ian's user avatar
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Getting an instance of BaseCorePipelineManager

In the Sitecore doc Configuring Federated Authentication there are instructions to generate the URL links to initiate Federated Auth -- the lines are: using Sitecore.Pipelines.GetSignInUrlInfo; /* [.....
Watson's user avatar
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Dependency Injection Not Wiring Up Properly When Optimize Code is Selected in Build

Sitecore 8.2u5 Primary Question Why does Optimizing Code cause Dependency Injection to fail? We've used DI on many projects at this point and just had an issue with a recent one. The error ...
jrap's user avatar
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Sitecore Content Search Exception: Entry point was not found

I'm having an issue taking an older version of our site running under Sitecore 7.2 (with some older dll's such as glass mapper) and switching over from Lucene to Solr (6.6.2). I've followed the steps ...
Nick's user avatar
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Ninject activation exception on publish: ILogManager

I started getting a strange error on publish in one our our dev sitecore instances that seems to be coming from some Sitecore.Social.Client piplines. Exception[1]: Ninject.ActivationException ...
Rondel's user avatar
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Sitecore.DependencyInjection will not resolve

I'm trying to use dependency injection with the Helix project structure for a sitecore 8.1 project, but I'm having an issue resolving the correct dependencies. The code has been copied from the Helix ...
Tony's user avatar
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Glass Mapper and Microsoft DI

I am using Microsoft DI with Sitecore 8.2 Update 3. I have registered my Glass Items like this: serviceCollection.AddTransient<ISitecoreContext>(provider => new SitecoreContext()); ...
Ethan Schofer's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Sitecore 8.2 memory leak with autofac DI on load test

We implemented the Autofac to work with Sitecore default DI implementation by following the guide below:
Nil Pun's user avatar
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How to register Glass Mapper ISitecoreService in my Ioc

Using GlassMapper 4, Sitecore 8.2 update 3 and Microsoft DI How do I register the GlassMapper SitecoreService in my Ioc. It requires a Database and Im not entirely clear on how to get that inside my ...
Ethan Schofer's user avatar
6 votes
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IOC (Simple Injector) with EntityService

UPDATED WITH LATEST RESULTS AND QUESTION I've converted everything to pipeline and integrated Simple Injector. As I mentioned, I've never used SI before, and I'm having trouble with the controller ...
creativeflood's user avatar
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After replacing default DI container Sitecore 8.2 Sitecore ItemService and EntityService stop working

Thanks to Dmytro Shevchenko We are replacing default DI Container with Windsor Castle. All project works perfectly fine, except ...
sandip patel's user avatar
10 votes
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Recursive upgradeable lock acquisitions not allowed in this mode exception while accessing Sitecore configuration while initiating the IoC container

When trying to access the Sitecore Configuration Factory to read a setting while configuring services in the IoC container the below exception is thrown. public class ServicesConfigurator : ...
Kasper's user avatar
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Custom controller being overwritten by IoC

I have a simple Sitecore controller that returns an list of items from Sitecore. It's used it in a custom SPEAK UI page. This works fine in my local dev environment but when I deploy it into an ...
Adam Seabridge's user avatar
8 votes
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Castle Windsor on Sitecore 8.2 using Glass Mapper v4

I'm trying to setup Castle Windsor for Dependency Injection in Sitecore 8.2 Solution which is using Glass Mapper v4. As noted, Castle Windsor is no longer part of Glass Mapper, and thus not included. ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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