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Create a page test in Sitecore in multiple languages

We are trying to setup an A/B page test in Sitecore. Since the site in which we want to start the test is in english and french, we want the test to apply to both languages. However, when you ...
JF Hamel's user avatar
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Multilingual URLs in Sitemap.xml for SXA 1.5

I am having a Sitecore SXA (1.5) instance site which has multiple language for each country. For example: (Country: Belgium, Lang: French) (Country: Belgium,...
SitecoreSXADeveloper's user avatar
4 votes
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Date.ToLongDateString() returning date in German only on prod environment (8.2)

I have a listing page for articles that includes the date, converted into a long date string ("Friday, December 21 2018"). On all of my lower environments it is showing the dates in English but on ...
Erica Stockwell-Alpert's user avatar
4 votes
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Content editors get access denied when attaching new language version to a media item

Our content editors get an error when they try to upload a new version of a document (or any other media item). Steps they take: Go to media library Upload a file (with advanced options) as versioned ...
Gatogordo's user avatar
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Virtual Folder defined for a language site not working with Data API URL

We are on multi-lingual websites having en-CA and fr-CA languages as well. We defined virtual folder for fr-CA to share the same domain name with en-CA. Hence the en-CA works on and ...
Rathan M's user avatar
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How can I change the default database used for language import in the control panel?

In previous versions of Sitecore (we're on 8.2), when importing a language XML file, the default database for import was master. In 8.2 the dialogue always opens with the core database selected. ...
James Walford's user avatar
3 votes
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Insert Options Rule where Item contains language (NOT Item language is)

My client has 12 sites, most of which have a specific language that the entire site is in. Editors are multilingual and jump between sites, forgetting to change the language in the upper right of the ...
asontu's user avatar
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2 answers

Language culture missing from url on post back

Language culture such as 'en' or 'en-gb' was initially present with a sitecore url. But after a post back, page returns with some validation errors and language culture is missing from url. What may ...
Hrishikesh T T's user avatar
2 votes
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How to delete duplicate languages?

A mixup in version differences between developer and server environments we ended up with two different items for some language items. That is, we have 2 items each in /sitecore/system/Languages for ...
Daniel Govier's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Always embed language to the URL - even if URL is typed manually in browser

I have multi-lingual website, which has both English and Arabic languages. In the LinkManager configuration languageEmbedding is set to always, you can see the full configuration below. As it is set ...
Gopikrishna Gujjula's user avatar
1 vote
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Navigation between sites using same lang cookie

I'm trying to navigate between sites but current language is not consistent between sites under the same tenant, how to unify lang cookie?
Tareq Mansour's user avatar
2 votes
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Getting "Could not parse the language" exception while publishing

While publishing the content in sitecore, the following error occured. Job started: Publish to 'web'|#Exception: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: While checking on logs, i found the ...
rams's user avatar
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Can't add new language versions to an existing item

I'm trying to add languages versions to an existing sitecore item i've created: //creation of my item Item item = Utils.CreatePage(cp.CreationFolder.Split('&')[0] + "/" + year, month, cp....
Slrg's user avatar
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How do you detect if a request is translated?

I have an item with version in en only. I have set the en-GB language to fallback to en, and it works great. With Sitecore's language fallback functionality, I do not have to have a version in the en-...
Derek Hunziker's user avatar
3 votes
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Source Query using the current language version

I have a source query over a standard Multi-List field and I want the query to retrieve items based on the current selected language. Is there any attribute that could handle that in the source query?...
Tareq Mansour's user avatar
3 votes
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Translating SXA Date Filter

I'm using SXA 1.7 and i use a date range filter on a page.When i create an arabic version for this filter, i'm only allowed to translate the (Title, from label and to label)but for example the month ...
AME's user avatar
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Display single page in another language

When I setup a page in Sitecore that does not have a version for the default language, then enter that page without specifying a language code will result in empty data being displayed. The problem is ...
Joel's user avatar
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Experience Editor Button Field Editor Button with Image Field Uploading in Client Language

I have a field editor button made from the template in core /sitecore/templates/System/WebEdit/Field Editor Button which has an image field id in the field Fields. When a user clicks on the edit frame,...
Teeknow's user avatar
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UseDisplayName is not working after renaming language code from fr-CA to fr

I have renamed language code from fr-CA to fr, Added fr version to all my content Items. Now the French name in the URL is not displaying? How to correct it? Link Manager Setting:Web.Config <...
sindu's user avatar
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2 answers

Language switch with Language Path embedded and Custom Display Name

Our website require fix path structure in different language version, I know when you want to switch language, just put ?sc_lang=xx behind the path. but my condition is language ia part of path and ...
Kun-Yao Wang's user avatar
2 votes
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How to add and activate new language version?

I have added a new language to my Sitecore installation (Control Panel > Localization > Add a new language). In this case I added Spanish. I have created a new version of my page in Spanish and ...
Mike's user avatar
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3 answers

Sitecore Multidomain Similar Language possible?

We have implemented multisite & multilingual Sitecore implementation and now we are going to implement new website which will support 4 languages. Sitecore8.1 in use. Code base( VS solution) &...
Ashita's user avatar
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Virtual folder setting is not working for multi lingual site

On Sitecore 7.2 (MVC) we are in process of introducing en-CA and fr-CA in our multi-site with multi-lingual project. Where we want to leverage the Virtual Folder concept. Like we want
Rathan M's user avatar
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Sitecore MultiLanguage Content changes the URL. Results 404, Not found error

I'm having an issue in my site.I'm using VirtualFolder property to change the site language content. I've a link 'Environment' and my default site language is Chinese. So,the URL looks like
kunal gawra's user avatar
3 votes
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Media Item not created in multiple languages

We have problem with uploaded media item in Sitecore 9. When we are uploading some media file (image, video etc.), it will be created only in default language and not in all languages. This worked in ...
Jiří Semrád's user avatar
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CD site setup for one country / subset of languages

Planning to setup 2 new CD servers which contain only French and English language pages. All other language versions should not exist in new web db. I took the existing web db backup and setup site ...
Singh's user avatar
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DEF Write To Language

I followed this post and have an xml feed that is converting to items in Sitecore. I want to write to a different language than en. I set field map languages to en-US for items under /sitecore/system/...
Teeknow's user avatar
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Multilingual - Sitecore General Link Field Url Giving Embedded Language in Wrong Format

I have a requirement where my URL should be in format : http://domain/de-DE/pagename I have following settings done for my site: <setting name="Languages.AlwaysStripLanguage"> <patch:...
ravi kumar Mishra's user avatar
1 vote
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Multiple language items in search results

We have couple of sites configured under one Sitecore instance for different languages, for example one for "Australia(en-AU)" and one for "Korea(KR)" We are using Azure search and observing when we ...
Ankit Joshi's user avatar
3 votes
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Sitecore task for multilingual site in single node

I have a multilingual site with single node approach. Requirement is simple, need to create a task to fetch all items and generate a XML file. I have created a Sitecore scheduled job and command and ...
Gowthamaraja Eswaramoorthy's user avatar
4 votes
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Sitecore 8.2 could Translate.Text run in controller code or should it run while rendering views?

I want to run the Sitecore command Translate.Text inside a controller, which doesn't seem to translate (at that time). I've tried debugging and also run different Translate commands (like Translate....
Michael's user avatar
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3 answers

Azure Search not working for other language

Using Sitecore 8.2 update 3. I'm new to search & Azure Search and followed this approach to implement the site search functionality on our multi-lingual site.
sukesh's user avatar
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Search not working in multi-language site

We are using Azure search. This is a website search. End user enters the keyword and the pages where it is present in the content, are returned as search results. The functionality works fine when ...
sukesh's user avatar
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Changing Sitecore predefined language display name

Is it possible to change Sitecore's predefined language names? For example, French languages look like this: French (Belgium) : français (Belgique) French (Canada) : français (Canada) French (...
Volkan's user avatar
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Grouped Result in Solr

I have seen documentation mentioning Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrNetExtension for Sitecore 9 indicating that its able to group results by a field (ie: _group field). What I am unable to find is a nice ...
vandsh's user avatar
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What possible reasons could there be for a checkbox on an item becoming unchecked in the web DB?

We have a specific component that includes a checkbox. There are multiple items of this component. The checkbox on these items becomes sporadically unchecked in the web DB, without the items having ...
James Walford's user avatar
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What Sitecore Client Languages are available?

I was now wondering what the definitive list of Sitecore Client Languages actually is. By default, my own answer would be English, Danish, German and Japanese. However I found this: https://dev....
Kris Verheire's user avatar
17 votes
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Issue related to %20 in URL

I have two languages on my site: en and de. When I'm trying to open http://{HOSTNAME}/%20/ - I'm recieving error: Question: How can I fix this issue and process this request in correct way?
Andrei Paliakou's user avatar
5 votes
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Sitecore Query - Restrict to context Language (in RSS feeds)?

I am using Sitecore's RSS feed, which has a field for Items. You can set this field to a Sitecore query to find items within your website to show within your RSS feed. I have it configured like so: ...
jdylanmc's user avatar
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Include template fields in export language

When trying to use the Export Languages tool in the control panel I would like to know if I can include template fields in the export. When using this tool to export pages for language translation it ...
KHeaney's user avatar
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How to set default language for the website

We have a website with two languages - en & jp. When the URL is browsed, it should load jp content. Just like browsing, but the URL should be The Site ...
sukesh's user avatar
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How Sitecore 9 Forms Module is featured for Multi-Site and Multi-Lingual?

Recently while exploring Sitecore 9 Forms Module, came up with some queries hence thought of asking on community. When we select a form, in the bottom right corner we see list of the items where the ...
Amitabh Vyas's user avatar
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Generated Word document in Chinese - mixed fonts

We have a function that writes out content from Sitecore into a Word document. It basically uses a user control (this was some legacy services we brought into the project to make it easier than ...
Ken McAndrew's user avatar
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How to deal with Arabic content (right to left) in Sitecore?

Currently working for multilingual site, where a page which is in English. Now when I am trying to translate this with Arabic then all the content into the content editor getting distorted, Like in ...
Pradeep Gupta's user avatar
10 votes
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Experiencing strange behavior with Check Box Field on Sitecore 8.1

Working on a Multilingual Implementation on Sitecore Version 8.1 rev. 160302 (Update-2) with 7 languages. We are experiencing a random and strange behavior with Check-boxes (In my case). Scenario ...
Amitabh Vyas's user avatar
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6 votes
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Language specific URLs with UseDisplayName and LinkManager

We have a site where I need to add hreflang on each page, linking to each language version of the page. <link rel="alternate" href="https://domain/pants" hreflang="en"> <link rel="alternate" ...
Thomas Bæk's user avatar
2 votes
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Only English Option when Importing a Language File

Does anyone know why when importing a language file I am only given the option to choose english. Every two weeks I work with our translations provider and send them english items that are needed for ...
Colema18's user avatar
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Getting language culture not support exception for item level language fallback

We had upgraded our site from 8.1 to 8.2 update 4, we are using item level language fallback but after upgrade it is not working, we have checked all settings, all are correct. Because with same ...
ganesh's user avatar
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Import and Export multi language theme issue

I have configured multi-language in my SXA environment. The default language is English (en) when I created my site. I want to support LTR in English language and RTL in other language. When I try to ...
user1534066's user avatar
8 votes
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How is the site context language determined and is there a priority to which is chosen?

The other day a colleague was asking about the sc_lang query string parameter and how Sitecore knows to use that for the language. The conversation was seeking answers to the following questions: ...
Michael West's user avatar
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