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Sitecore 10.4 Disabling Identity Server breaks site

I followed the instructions for disabling identity server from
Erica Stockwell-Alpert's user avatar
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How to use http instead of https for identity server?

I am trying to configure the identity server to use http instead of https. I am currently trying to use the sitecore cli and running into an issue related to SSL. Error below. "The SSL connection ...
Ben Dallman's user avatar
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Launchpad is not opening

I have a prod cm on link I am directed to
Raunak Basnet's user avatar
3 votes
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Add a Sitecore Custom User Profile Property to Identity Server Claim

We are trying to understand how to customize the Sitecore Identity Server. We are using Sitecore 9.3. Based on this article, by default, there are 5 claims available from Sitecore: name email role ...
Fauzi's user avatar
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How to remove a claim transformation programmatically from Sitecore Identity Server

Our Sitecore 10.1.3 environment is hosted on Sitecore Managed Cloud. In the current setup, when a CMS user tries to login into the CMS, using Azure AD, for the first time, it will be unsuccessful and ...
sukesh's user avatar
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Migrate users from Sitecore 9.0.2 to ASP.NET Core Identity

We are migrating away from Sitecore to another CMS. We would like to migrate all the users and their profiles to the new system. I believe that Sitecore (9.0.2.) uses IdentityServer3 and our new ...
gtu's user avatar
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Issue with Identity Service - Unable to login via Load Balancer

I am facing an issue with Sitecore identity service. We have hosted the service in a VM and assigned localhost:81. The same is mapped to via load balancer. The problem is, login ...
Harikrishnan N's user avatar
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Needs to store sitecore (10.0) user login attempt in custom database

We have an ask that we need to login user each login attempt to sitecore. We are able to do that for success scenario but for failure its not done. If we are not using IdentityServer login, but ...
Rinku Jain's user avatar
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Correct User Logged In, but Sitecore.Context.User Returns extranet\Anonymous and IsAuthenticated is False

I'm working with Sitecore 10 and encountering a peculiar issue with user authentication. On the Sitecore login page, the correct logged-in user's name is displayed in the top right corner, indicating ...
Owais Ahmed's user avatar
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How can I patch Sitecore Identity Server 7 App Insights Instrumentation Key?

I have managed to patch settings like CertThumbprint and the ConnectionString by setting environment variables in the following style: Sitecore_Sitecore__IdentityServer__CertificateThumbprint ...
djh's user avatar
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How to get a custom claim data back from Sitecore Identity server

I am working with Sitecore 9.3 and SitecoreIdentity Server 7 I have created a custom claim in an Okta authorization server called user_login, this value appears when I preview the token in the tool ...
Matthew Pigram's user avatar
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Unsolicited logins are not allowed

My Sitecore application(10.2) is integrated with ADFS. Currently, the application intermittently returns an error, Unsolicited logins are not allowed, when users attempt to log in. Could anyone assist ...
Alex's user avatar
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Increase Sitecore CMS timeout for content author [duplicate]

I am using Sitecore 9.3 in Azure with Identity server. Content authors requested to increase their session timeout so that they can continue adding/editing content without interruptions. I have seen ...
Yeshwanth's user avatar
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4 answers

Sitecore Identity Server getting 500

Installed Sitecore Identity server 7.0 on the exiting sitecore instance(10.3). When I try to access the identity server directly from browser (https://idenityserver.local) I keep getting "500 ...
Sun's user avatar
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How do I add a transform to the web.config for the Identity server with a container setup?

How do I add custom headers to the Identity server? I am using sxp/sitecore-id6:10.2.0-ltsc2019 image for the identity server. The Invoke-XdtTransform.ps1 we use on CM does not work as the id image ...
Vinay Jadav's user avatar
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You are not authorized to perform the task you are attempting

Environment Sitecore 10.3 XP Sitecore Management Services Headless 21 SXA 10.3 SPE 6.3 Federated Authentication via Okta Problem Statement Followed the steps to configure the Sitecore Identity and ...
Chet Cheeto's user avatar
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Unable to login virtual user from sitecore when identity server is enabled

I am setting up sitecore identity server to pass through authentication to Okta for some of our portals. However some of our portals already have a manual authentication approach taken which logs in ...
Matthew Pigram's user avatar
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Sitecore Identity callback path issue

I have set up 2 identity provider plugins in sitecore identity, one is being used for /sitecore login the other is used for one of our portals to authenticate against. Both use Okta as the IdP, ...
Matthew Pigram's user avatar
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Problem with Client Logout with Sitecore Identity Server / Sustainsys.Saml2 SSO

We are using Sustainsys.Saml2 SSO framework with Sitecore Identity Service and external client SSO configuration. Our problem is when a login user logout of application, we have a successful logout at ...
HammerChi's user avatar
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Single Sign Out user from Sitecore after session expiration

We are using Sitecore 10.3 XM and have Azure AD SSO for logging into Sitecore CMS. We have specified the Session timeout value as 20 mins, which means after 20 mins of inactivity on the CMS, the user ...
Raman Gupta's user avatar
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XML Transformation in Sitecore Identity Server using Docker

We have to modify some changes in the Sitecore identity server's Sitecore.IdentityServer.Host file using docker. This file remains present at the location\Config\...
Prashant Tomar's user avatar
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Log-ins and log out in the Sitecore CM instance to Application Insight instance

Sitecore version: 10.1.1 (rev. 005862) What I am trying to do: I want to log all log-ins and log out (from the link on the top and cookie expiry) in the Sitecore CM instance to the Application Insight ...
NutsAndBolts's user avatar
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Sitecore CD Pages with anonymous rights are redirecting to login page

We have integrated OnPrem ADFS for authentication with OnPrem Sitecore setup. ADFS is used to authenticate both sitecore CM and CD. We have allowed some of the pages for anonymous user(from Security ...
D J's user avatar
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IdentityServer Invalid non-ASCII or control character in header

I have a strange issue with IdentityServer, during redirect to IS, I see an 500 and in logs: 2022-12-08T00:04:31.7333120+00:00 [INF] (Sitecore Identity/xxxx) Route matched with "{action = \"...
Arbejdsglæde's user avatar
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Building External Identity Provider subproviders integration in Identity Server for 10.0 - 10.2 in Visual Studio 2022 for Author Access

I am getting errors when compiling my subprovider implementation (Okta) with Identity Server in Visual Studio 2022. I have followed all the instructions as described in
Vincent Lui's user avatar
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Sitecore 10.2 - Capture application level errors

If I was to capture application level errors on our instance for integration with some form of error reporting software (i.e, Rollbar) how would I go about this without a Global.asax Application_Error(...
Sean T's user avatar
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SXA Federation Authentication via Identity Server

I am working on federation authentication via the Identity server in Sitecore 10.2 SXA. Created below class public class DemoIdentityProvider : IdentityProvidersProcessor { private ...
Swati Gupta's user avatar
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Value not getting replaced during logging to Application Insight from Identity Server

Sitecore.NET 10.1.1 (rev. 005862) in Azure PAAS Scaled What I am trying to do: I want to write the logs into the Application Insights for the Sitecore Identity server. What is the current status: ...
NutsAndBolts's user avatar
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How to set the Identity server certificate using Azure KeyVault?

We are using the Azure KeyVault to store the certificate for our Sitecore setup. This is working fine on the current 9.0 environment. However, we are upgrading to 10.2 and this introduces the Sitecore ...
Gatogordo's user avatar
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Using wildcard in AllowedCorsOrigin of the IdentityServer

Is there a way to use wildcard in AllowedCorsOrigin of the IdentityServer. I want to allow all the sites to access the Sitecore CMS. I tried the following which didn't work. <...
Owais Ahmed's user avatar
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Sitecore CM login is not working on Gateway url

I have requirement of exposing Sitecore CMS site through gateway url. Gateway is setup properly and gateway url has been updated in TargetHostName and identityServerAuthority in sitecore config. But ...
Bharath's user avatar
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Unable to login to the sitecore.demo.edge site after installing This is a docker demo site from Sitecore using JSS and Next.js Unable to log in to the sitecore.demo.edge site after installing, the value in the .env ...
SNew's user avatar
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Sitecore9.3 with identity server 6 is not working after installed the .Netcore 6.0.6 version

We are using Sitecore 9.3 along with Sitecore JSS 13.0. Since Microsoft is going to end the support up to the .Net Core 5 version, we have upgraded .Net Core version from 3.1.18 to 6. To support the ....
Jayachandran's user avatar
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Signing out of Sitecore with Azure AD

We are working on an upgrade from Sitecore 8.2 to 10.2 with an Azure AD sign-in/sign-out component. Right now, when a user is logged in with Azure AD in Sitecore and clicks the logout button it is ...
stonewall2185's user avatar
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Identity Service - error on CM

On my local machine I have Sitecore 10.2, XP0. I have problem with Identity Service. Upon entering the address: .cm / sitecore, he is redirected to the page <address>.cm/sitecore/login?Fbc=1. I ...
Jan Nowak's user avatar
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Not able to login via Sitecore identity Server in Sitecore 10.1

We have set up Sitecore 10 environment. It was working properly but suddenly it stopped authenticating and started giving error. We are getting below error everytime we try to log in Login failed for ...
Jitendra Ghanekar's user avatar
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AuthenticationManager Logout does not trigger external OWIN middleware to logout until subsequent request

We have setup Auth0 as an external identity provider successfully where login works just fine for our public website. The sitecore authoring server uses the default Sitecore Identity Server. For the ...
Dejan Vasic's user avatar
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How can I deploy custom config files to an Identity Server container?

We'd like to enable the Sitecore Federated Authentication on Sitecore 10.2 with containers. I've updated the ClientId, TenantId, claim transfermations, etc... in different xml files. But I don't know ...
Ray Zhang's user avatar
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Sitecore CM login not redirecting to identity server

I have installed Sitecore 10.2 XM in my local machine. It's installed 3 sites (CM, CD and IdentityServer). When I access the IdentityServer URL https://test.identityserver.localhost/ it works fine. I ...
Jey's user avatar
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Sitecore Identity Server SSL error - Thumbprint Error

I am installing Sitecore 10.2 in our environment. My network team setup the DNS and SSL all in the F5 server NOT in the physical server where i am installing the Sitecore Identity Server and CMS ...
Jey's user avatar
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After Login on Sitecore CMS does not redirect to Content Editor and throws error 500 - The request timed out

I have deployed our Application on PROD CM and CD instance on the Azure PAAS and the instance is working fine. When I try to log in to the CM instance, I can log in, but instead of redirecting me to ...
Himmat Singh Dulawat's user avatar
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Sitecore SIF installation identityserver issue

I am trying to install Sitecore 10.1 XM, via SIF but during installation I am getting error about identityserver, I see that identityserver is created on IIS side. it is no other sites on IIS side, MS ...
Arbejdsglæde's user avatar
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How to configure default roles when using Identity Server integrated with ADFS or Azure?

We are looking for a process in which some very basic role is granted to users that allow them to purely login to Sitecore, followed by a more traditional process of manually granting access to the ...
Michael West's user avatar
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Migrate existing Owin implementation from pre-Sitecore 9

I am migrating an app from Sitecore 8 to 10. The existing app was built with .Net 4.6.1 and uses Microsoft AspNet Identity and Owin for user access. The Startup class uses the OwinStartupAttribute ...
fgantt's user avatar
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A non-interactive client login to Experience Editor (Sitecore 9.3)

I am writing a service tool where I need to invoke a web request to Experience Editor page from command line. I need to authorize the request with Sitecore user. How can I do this? I found some ...
asia.boron's user avatar
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Sitecore CLI 4.1.1 - You are not authorized to perform the task you are attempting

Seeing an error with the Sitecore CLI 4.1.1 when pushing items in an Azure DevOps release pipeline: You are not authorized to perform the task you are attempting. You may need to be assigned ...
Chet Cheeto's user avatar
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Sitecore 10.1.2 Identity server issue - Windows 11

I have installed the Sitecore 10.1.2 version in Windows 11. Now, I'm getting the error, when I try to log in to the Sitecore backend, the IDentity server is throwing this error. This is the error I ...
arul pushpam's user avatar
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"Invalid scope" error when accessing Business Tools on Sitecore 10.1

I've installed Sitecore 10.1 and, on top of it, Sitecore Commerce. I finished the installation, and when accessing Business Tools from the Launchpad, it shows up for a moment, and then I'm redirected ...
lvilasboas's user avatar
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Sitecore Federated Authentication Pass query strings to External Login Provider

Wondering how can query strings be passed to an external login provider. I am using Sitecore (9.2) Federated Authentication for an external user's login. When I debug, I see the current request has ...
manaslu's user avatar
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Error installing Sitecore 9.3 - IdentityServer_InstallWDP

I tried to install a local environment using Sitecore 9.3 and got error on final step, when checking logs it seems that there's an error concerning the IdentityServer deployment [------- ...
Anass's user avatar
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